


Em livros e Jornais Internacionais (9)



João Rocha, Eugénio Oliveira; ARCA - An integrated system for cardiac pathologies diagnosis and treatment, Knowledge Based Systems in Medicine Methods, Applications and Evaluation, Lecture Notes in Medical Informatics, nº 47, pp. 193-204, Spring Verlag, 1992;



João Rocha, Carlos Ramos, Zita Vale; Complexity of Precedence Graphs for Assembly and Task Planning, Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Lectures Notes in Artificial Intelligence, nº 1416, pp. 149-158, Springer, 1998;



João Rocha, Carlos Ramos, Zita Vale; On the complexity of precedence graphs for assembly and task planning, Computers in Industry, nº 36, pp. 101-111, Elsevier, 1998;



Nuno Silva, João Rocha; VE Infra-structures requirements for co-operation and knowledge sharing, E-Business and Virtual Enterprises-Managing Business-to-Business Cooperation, ISBN 0-7923-7205-0, Vol. 184, pp. 79-86; Kluwer; 2000;



Nuno Silva, João Rocha; Merging Ontologies using a Bottom-up Lexical and Structural Approach, Advances in Knowledge Organization, ISBN 3-89913-247-5, Vol. 8, pp. 60-66; Challenges in Knowledge Representation and Organization for the 21st Century; Ergon Verlag; Julho de 2002;



Nuno Silva, João Rocha, José Cardoso; E-Business Interoperability Through Ontology Semantic Mapping, Processes and Foundations for Virtual Organizations, ed. Luis Camarinha-Matos, Hamideh Afsarmannesh, vol. 262, pp. 315-322, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7638-X, 2003;



Nuno Silva, João Rocha; Semantic Web Complex Ontology Mapping, Journal of Web Intelligence and Agent Systems; IOS Press; Vol. 1, nº 3-4, pp. 235-248, 2004;



Nuno Silva, João Rocha; Multi-Dimensional Service-Oriented Ontology Mapping, International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, 2(1) 50–80, Inderscience, 2005;



Nuno Silva, João Rocha; Service-oriented semi-automatic ontology mapping; International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems, 13(4) 253-258; CRL Publishing; 2006.


Em Revistas Nacionais (4)



João Rocha; Utilitários em C-SHELL, Revista Informática e Universidade, pp. 24-26;



João Rocha, Eugénio Oliveira; ARCA - Sistema Integrado de Diagnóstico e Terapia de Arritmias Cardíacas, Revista de Informática, nº 10;



João Rocha, Carlos Ramos, Zita Vale; Geração e Representação de Planos para o Planeamento do Processo, Robótica e Automatização, nº 21, pp. 31-35;



A Investigação e a Qualidade de Ensino, IP Notícias, nº 6, pp. 66-69;


João Rocha, Carlos Ramos, Ana Almeida; A Investigação na área do CIM no ISEP uma realidade, IP Notícias, nº 9, pp. 35-44.


Em Conferências Internacionais (42)



Paulo Cunha, João Rocha, Eugénio Oliveira; A model based expert system for diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias, IASTED International Conference "Expert Systems - theory and applications", Geneve, Suiça, pp. 126-129;


João Rocha, Paulo Cunha, Eugénio Oliveira; A model based expert system for diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias, IEEE Computers in Cardiology, Leuven, Bélgica, pp. 639-642;



João Rocha, Paulo Cunha, Eugénio Oliveira; ARCA - um sistema pericial para diagnóstico e terapia de arritmias cardíacas, IBERAMIA 88 - 1º Congresso Ibero-Americano de Inteligência Artificial, Barcelona, Espanha, pp. 207-221;


João Rocha, Eugénio Oliveira, J. Marques de Sá, Cassiano Abreu-Lima; An integrated system for diagnosis and therapy of cardiac arrhythmias, Xth Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, Viena, Áustria, pp. 27, (apresentação e demonstração);


João Rocha, Eugénio Oliveira, J. Marques de Sá, Cassiano Abreu-Lima; An integrated system for diagnosis and therapy of cardiac arrhythmias, IEEE Computers in Cardiology, Washington (DC), EUA, pp. 489-492;



João Rocha, Eugénio Oliveira; ARCA - An integrated system for cardiac pathologies diagnosis and therapy, AIME 89 - Conference on Expert Systems and Applications, Londres, Reino Unido;



João Rocha, Eugénio Oliveira; ARCA - An Expert System for Diagnosis and Treatment of Arrythmia, IASTED International Conference "Expert Systems - theory and applications", Los Angeles (CA), EUA;



João Rocha, Eugénio Oliveira; Integrating Signal Analysis, Expert System Diagnosis and Treatment in Cardiology, IV International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Peñiscola, Espanha, pp. 291-292;



João Rocha, Carlos Ramos; Task and Execution Planning for Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Second International Conference on Integrated Logistics & Concurrent Engineering - ILCE'94, Montpellier, França, pp. 131-139;


João Rocha, Carlos Ramos; Generating and Converting Plans for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics - ISIE'94, Santiago do Chile, Chile, pp. 304-309;


João Rocha, Carlos Ramos; Task Planning for Flexible and Agile Manufacturing Systems, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems - IROS'94, Munique, Alemanha, pp. 105-112, artigo convidado;



João Rocha, Carlos Ramos, Zita Vale; Sequencing Operations for Process Planning, Practical Applications of Prolog - PAP'95, Paris, França;


João Rocha, Carlos Ramos; TPMS - A System for Sequencing Operations in Process Planning, The Eighth International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems (IEA-95-AIE), Melbourne, Austrália;


João Rocha, Carlos Ramos; Heuristic Generation of Operations Sequences for Process Plans, Advanced Summer Institute of Network of Excellence in Intelligent Control and Integrated Manufacturing Systems - ASI'95, Lisboa, Portugal;


João Rocha, Carlos Ramos; Plan Representation and Generation for Manufacturing Tasks, International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning - ISATP'95, Pittsburg, EUA;



João Rocha, Carlos Ramos, Zita Vale; On the Complexity of Precedence Graphs for Assembly and Task Planning, Advanced Summer Institute of Network of Excellence in Intelligent Control and Integrated Manufacturing Systems - ASI'96, pp. 119-125, Toulouse, França;


João Rocha, Carlos Ramos; Plan Representation and Heuristic Generation of Operation Sequences for Manufacturing Tasks, International Conference on Data and Knowledge Systems for Manufacturing and Engineering - DKSME'96, pp. 223-242, Tempe (AZ), EUA;


João Rocha, Carlos Ramos; Generation of Plan and Heuristic Operation Sequences for Manufacturing Tasks, International Conference on Knowledge Based Computer Systems - KBCS'96, Bombaim, Índia;



João Rocha, Carlos Ramos; Generation of Operation Sequences for Manufacturing Tasks, 2nd. World Congress on Intelligent Manufacturing Processes & Systems, pp. 248-253, Budapeste, Hungria;


Carlos Ramos, João Rocha, Zita Vale; Analysis of the Complexity of Precedence Graphs for Assembly and Task Planning, International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning - ISATP'97, pp. 19-24, Marina Del Rey (CA), EUA;


João Rocha, Carlos Ramos; Representing and Generating Operation Sequences for Manufacturing Tasks, International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning - ISATP'97, pp. 134 – 139, Marina Del Rey (CA), EUA;



João Rocha, Carlos Ramos; Complexity of Precedence Graphs for Assembly and Task Planning, The 11th International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems (IEA-98-AIE), pp. 149-158, Benicàssim, Espanha;



Ana Moura, João Rocha, Carlos Ramos, Zita Vale; Process and Execution Planning for Manufacturing Systems, International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning - ISATP'99, pp. 332-337, Porto, Portugal;


João Rocha, Carlos Ramos, Zita Vale; Process Planning Using a Genetic Algorithm Approach, International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning - ISATP'99, pp. 338-343, Porto, Portugal;



João Rocha, Carlos Ramos; Complexity of Precedence Graphs for Manufacturing Processes, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence - IC-AI'00, pp.1489-1495, Las Vegas, EUA;


Nuno Silva, João Rocha; Proposal for Dynamic Ontology Configuration Service; Technical Report; Workshop on Practical Reasoning Agents - FAPR'2000; Londres, Reino Unido;


Nuno Silva, João Rocha; Requirements for Co-operation and Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Organizations, Proceedings of the International ICSC Symposium on Multi-Agents and Mobile Agents in Virtual Organizations and E-Commerce (MAMA'2000), Wollongong, Austrália;



João Rocha, Carlos Ramos; Analysis of Precedence Graphs Complexity for Manufacturing Process, Proceedings of the International NAISO Congress on Information Science Innovations (ISI’2001), Dubai, EAU;


Nuno Silva, João Rocha; Knowledge Configuration in Virtual Enterprises, Proceedings of the International NAISO Congress on Information Science Innovations (ISI’2001), Dubai, EAU;



Nuno Silva, João Rocha; Ontology Mapping Using Multiple Dimension Approach, Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computational Intelligence in Management and  Industrial Engineering (Fsscimie'2002), pp. 243-252, Istambul, Turquia;


Nuno Silva, João Rocha; Merging Ontologies using a Bottom-up Lexical and Structural Approach, Proceedings of the Seventh International Society for Knowledge Organization Conference (7th ISKO), Granada, Espanha;


Nuno Silva, João Rocha; Multiple dimension approach for Ontology merging, Proceedings of the 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2002), Orlando (FL), EUA;



Nuno Silva, João Rocha; MAFRA – An Ontology MApping FRAmework for the Semantic Web, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2003), Colorado Springs, EUA;


Nuno Silva, João Rocha; MAFRA – Semantic Web Ontology MApping FRAmework, Proceedings of the 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2003), volume III, pp. 253-258, Orlando (FL), EUA;


Nuno Silva, João Rocha; Semantic Web Complex Ontology Mapping, IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2003), Halifax, Canada, 13-17;


Nuno Silva, João Rocha; Service-Oriented Ontology Mapping System, Workshop on Semantic Integration of the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 04), Sanibel Island, FL, EUA;


Nuno Silva, João Rocha; Ontology Mapping For Interoperability In Semantic Web, IADIS International WWW/Internet 2003 Conference, Almansor, Portugal;



Nuno Silva, João Rocha; Service oriented semi-automatic Ontology Bridging, International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Decision Support (ICKEDS’04), Porto, Portugal;


Nuno Silva, Jorge Santos, João Rocha; Proposal for the combination of Ontology Assemble and Ontology Mapping processes, International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Decision Support (ICKEDS’04), Porto, Portugal.



Nuno Silva, João Rocha; Semi-automatic bridging for knowledge-based Interoperability, The 7th Int. Conf. on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2005), pp. 921-929, vol. 2, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Nuno Silva, Paulo Maio, João Rocha; An Approach to Ontology Mapping Negotiation, In Proc. Knowledge Capture workshop on Integrating Ontologies, pp. 54–60, Banff, Canadá



Nuno Bettencourt, Paulo Maio, András Pongá, Nuno Silva, João Rocha; Systematization and Clarification of Semantic Web Annotation Terminology, International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Decision Support (ICKEDS’06), Lisboa, Portugal


Paulo Maio, Nuno Bettencourt, Nuno Silva, João Rocha; Ontology Mapping Negotiation Based on Categorization of Semantic Bridges, International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Decision Support (ICKEDS’06), Lisboa, Portugal


Owen Gilson, Nuno Silva, Phil Grant, Min Chen, João Rocha; Information Realisation Textual, Graphical and Audial Representations of the Semantic Web, International Conference on Knowledge Management (I-KNOW’06) - Special Track on Knowledge Visualization and Knowledge Discovery (KVD' 06); Graz, Austria; Setembro de 2006 (aceite para publicação);