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Ada Package | Description | C Equivalent |
pragma import | Import identifier from another language | extern? |
pragma export | Export identifier to another language | extern? |
pragma import_function | Like import, but extra options | |
pragma import_procedure | Like import, but extra options | |
pragma import_valued_procedure | Import a function that returns values as parameters | extern? |
pragma export_function | Like export, but extra options | |
pragma export_procedure | Like export, but extra options |
There are rare cases when these assumptions don't hold (e.g. certain cases when null pointer parameters are not allowed by Ada), but, generally speaking, these assumptions are valid under Linux. Gnat has general purpose interfacing pragmas and support for C types in the Interfaces.C package. Use these if you want maximum portability.
Because of these assumptions, most C library calls are easily represented in Ada. For example, we check the man page for gettime and discover it returns the current time as a long integer. To call this from Ada, we use
function gettime return long_integer;Since there is no Ada body for the gettime function, we use pragma import to let gnat know gettime is a C function. When we link, we need to specify the C library that function is in. In the case for the GNU C library, this is unnecessary since it's automatically linked. We can now call the C function gettime as if we wrote it ourselves.In C, it's possible to call a function and discard the result by not assigning it to anything. You can call C functions from Ada this way by declaring them a procedure. For example:
procedure gettime;In this case, it's not particularly useful to call gettime and throw away the time it gives you. In general, you should avoid discarding the result because you may find it useful at some time in the future. However, there are certain C function where the result is provided only for flexibility, such as functions that return a pointer in a parameter and return the same pointer as the function result as well. These can safely be discarded by treating the function as a procedure.If we wanted to export an integer variable called TotalTimeEstimate to C, we'd use
TotalTimeEstimate : integer;A C function that returns void corresponds to an Ada procedure.
When importing or exporting to C, gnat converts the variable to lower case because C is a case-sensitive language. TotalTimeEstimate would be called totaltimeestimate in a C program. You can override this by providing a specific C name to link to. For example,
pragma Export( C, TotalTimeEstimate, "TotalTimeEstimate" );Import and Export don't require the name be the same at all. However, using entirely different names in C and Ada will make your program hard to understand.
If you want to import functions from libraries other than the standard C library, you will have to explicitly link them in. For example, to use the C math library, libm.a, would have to be explicitly linked using -lm. In C, functions can have parameters that change value, while in Ada this kind of function is not allowed because functions can only have "in" parameters. To get around this problem, gnat defines an import_valued_procedure pragma. Suppose you have a C function like this:
int SomeCFunction( char * param )Normally, there is no way to represent this kind of function in an Ada program. However, we can import it by treating it as a procedure using the import_valued_procedure pragma:
procedure SomeCFunction ( result : out integer; param : in out integer );The import_valued_procedure pragma tells gnat that this procedure corresponds to a C function: the first parameter is the result of the C function, and the remaining parameters correspond to the parameters of the C function. The first import pragma is not strictly required, but ACT recommends using it.
You can't import identifiers created by the #define statement since they only exist before a C program is compiled. You also can't import types (except for C++ classes) since types have no address in memory. [KB-true?]
There is one case where these tricks fail: when the C function returns a pointer to a C variable that it declared. In this case, the function is returning a new C pointer. Luckily, Ada provides a package called Address_To_Access_Conversions to convert between C pointers and Ada access types. You instantiate the package with the type you want to convert between, and the package creates an access type that can be converted to and from an address (which is a C pointer).The following program demonstrates conversions to and from C pointer types.
with Ada.Text_IO, System.Address_To_Access_Conversions; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure pointers is package IntPtrs is new System.Address_To_Access_Conversions( integer ); -- Instantiate a package to convert access types to/from addresses. -- This creates an integer access type called Object_Pointer. five : aliased integer := 5; -- Five is aliased because we will be using access types on it int_pointer : IntPtrs.Object_Pointer; -- This is an Ada access all type int_address : System.Address; -- This is an address in memory, a C pointer begin int_pointer := five'unchecked_access; -- Unchecked_access needed because five is local to main program. -- If it was global, we could use 'access. int_address := five'address; -- Addresses can be found with the 'address attribute. -- This is the equivalent of a C pointer. int_pointer := IntPtrs.To_Pointer( int_address ); int_address := IntPtrs.To_Address( int_pointer); -- Convert between Ada and C pointer types. end pointers;
For example, the standard C library function get_current_dir_name returns a pointer to a C string which it declares. To use get_current_dir_name, we have to instantiate Address_To_Access_Conversions for an array of characters (a C string), and convert the address to an access type using something like
CharArray_pointer := CharArrayPtrs.To_Pointer( get_current_dir_name );There is no other way in Ada to access the array that get_current_dir_name points to.
KB-If your main program is a C program, you need to call adainit before any Ada code.
Most standard C library errors are returned in an integer variable called "errno". You can examine errno in your Ada programs by importing it.
errno : integer;Errno contains a number for the error returned by the last library function.
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Linux provides two functions for working with errno error numbers.
type string255is new string(1..255); type strptr is access string255; -- error messages are no longer than 255 charactersprocedure perror( message : string);
The following example program makes a deliberate error with the link function and prints the error message using perror and stderror.
with ada.text_io, ada.strings.fixed; use ada.text_io, ada.strings.fixed; procedure perr is -- an example of perror and strerror error messages procedure perror( message : string ); pragma import( C, perror ); -- print a standard error description with a leading message type string255 is new string(1..255); type strptr is access string255; -- error messages are no longer than 255 characters function strerror( error_number : integer ) return strptr; pragma import( C, strerror); -- get a standard error description errno : integer; pragma import( C, errno ); -- last error number function link( path1, path2 : string ) return integer; pragma import( C, link); -- we'll use the link function to create an error LinkResult : integer; -- value returned by link ErrorMessagePtr : strptr; -- pointer to stderror message NullLocation : integer; -- location of NUL in stderror message begin Put_Line( "This is an example of perror and strerror"); New_Line; -- make a deliberate error and print it with perror Put_Line( "Trying to link a non-existent file to itself.." ); LinkResult := Link( "blahblah", "blahblah" ); if LinkResult = -1 then perror( "Link failed" ); end if; New_Line; -- Retrieve the last error message with strerror. -- Because strerror returns a C string, only print the -- string up to the first NUL character. ErrorMessagePtr := StrError( Errno ); NullLocation := Index( string( ErrorMessagePtr.all ), "" & ASCII.NUL ); Put( "The last error message was '" ); Put( Head( string( ErrorMessagePtr.all ), NullLocation-1 ) ); Put_Line( "'." ); end perr;
This is an example of perror and strerror Trying to link a non-existent file to itself. Link failed: No such file or directory The last error message was 'No such file or directory'.
A table of error numbers is in the appendix.
The Ada.Calendar package is the standard method of working with time in Ada programs. If you need to interface with C programs, you may need to use Linux's time features.
The Linux clock functions are either kernel calls or are a part of the standard C library, and they don't need to be linked in with the -lc option.
The basic Linux time functions work with the number of seconds since January 1, 1970. This is referred to as the epoch in the Linux man pages. Because of the limits of a long integer value, the Linux clock will stop working properly around the year 2038.
The basic functions use a long_integer for the time:
type time_t is new long_integer;procedure time ( time : in out time_t);
function difftime( time1, time2 : time_t ) return
pragma import( C, difftime );
Returns the number of seconds between two times (as a long_float).
The timeval kernel calls return (or set) the current time with microsecond accuracy using a timeval record.
type timeval is record
tv_sec : time_t; -- number of seconds (since epoch)
tv_usec : long_integer; -- number of microseconds
end record;
type timezone is record
tz_minuteswest : integer; -- minutes west of Greenwich
tz_dsttime : integer -- unsupported
in Linux
end record;
procedure gettimeofday( result : out integer; tv : in
out timeval, tz : in out timezone );
pragma import(C, gettimeofday );
pragma import_valued_procedure( gettimeofday );
Get the current time as the number of microseconds since January 1,
1970. Returns 0 for success. ftime() is an obsolete version
of this function
procedure settimeofday( result : out integer; tv :
in out timeval; tz : in out timezone );
pragma import( C, settimeofday );
pragma import_valued_procedure( settimeofday );
Set the current time as the number of microseconds since January 1,
1970. Returns 0 for success.
procedure tzset;
pragma import( C, tzset );
Create the TZ environment variable, if it doesn't exist, and sets it
to the current timezone as specified in /etc/localtime or /usr/lib/zoneinfo/localtime.
This is automatically invoked by the standard C library time functions
whenever necessary.
procedure adjtimex( result : out integer; buf : inout
timex );
pragma import( C, adjtimex );
Tunes the kernel's clock for specific time parameters
Besides the number of seconds elapsed since 1970, Linux can also work with records containing the time broken down into common measurements. These functions use a tm record. These functions are all a part of the standard C library.
type tm is record sec : integer; -- seconds on the clock (0-59) min : integer; -- minutes on the clock (0-59) hour : integer; -- hour on the clock (0-23) mday : integer; -- day of the month (1-31) mon : integer; -- month (0-11) year : integer; -- year wday : integer; -- day of the week (0-6) yday : integer; -- day of the year (0-365) isdst : integer; -- >0 is daylight savings time, 0=not, <0 unknown end record;
You will also need the Address_To_Access_Conversions package to convert C pointers to tm record into Ada access type pointers.
package TmPtrs is new System.Address_To_Access_Conversions( tm );function localtime( time : in out time_t ) return system.address;
To get the current time in tm format,
seconds_since_1970 : long_integer; tm_rec : tm; ... time( seconds_since_1970 ); tm = TmPtrs.To_Pointer( localtime( seconds_since_1970'address ) ).all;
procedure strftime( result: size_t; datestr : in out
stringtype; max : size_t; format : string; tm : in out
tmrec );
pragma import( C, strftime );
Like asctime(), converts a tm time into text. strftime() uses
formatting codes to determine the appearance of the text, similar to the
shell date command. Returns the length of the date string (including
the ending ASCII.NUL). See the man page for complete details.
datestring : string(1..80);
statftime( datestringsize, datestring, datestring'size/8, "%I:%M"
& ASCII.NUL, tm );
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line( "The time is " & datestring( 1..datestringsize-1
) );
Timer functions use the timeval structure
function timerclear( tv : timeval ); function timerisset( tv : timeval ); function timercmp( t0, t1 : timeval; operator : ? );
The Linux process functions are part of the standard C library, and do not need to be linked in with -lc.
function getpid return integer;The owner of a program is referred to as the UID (user identification number). Under Linux, there are actually three owners to any given program: the effective UID, the real UID and the saved UID. Normally, these three are all the same login. The real and saved uids are provided for programs that must temporarily pretend to be somebody else, like a daemon that needs special login for a short period of time, or setuid/setgid programs that must temporarily switch between owners. These special functions are not covered here.
function getuid return integer;The GID (group identification number) is the group the program belongs to. In Linux, there's a main, effective group number, and any number of secondary groups that a program can belong to. There is also real and saved GIDs, just like UIDs.
procedure getgroups( result : out integer; num : integer; gidlist );Linux also allows you to arrange processes into groups for easier management of multiple processes at once. Each process group as a, no surprise, a process group identification number (PGID).
function setpgid( pid, pgid : integer ) return integer;Every program and process group also belongs to a session (as in a login session). When you log off the computer, Linux automatically stops all programs that were running in your session. The session leader is the top process in a session, such as your login shell. However, if you want to create a new session for some reason, you can use the following function:
function setsid return integer;Signal handling, in general, is easier through Ada.Interrupts than through Linux kernel calls because of their heavy reliance on C macros.--KB
function alarm( seconds : Interfaces.C.unsigned ) return Interfaces.C.unsigned;Environment variables can easily be set and read with Ada.Command_Line.Environment package. You can also set them directly through the standard C library.
function putenv( str : string ) return integer;Multitasking creates child processes to do tasks for your main program. On multiprocessor machines, different processes can be assigned to different processors allowing work to be done simultaneously. On single processor machines, the processor switches several times a second between processes and does a little work on each.
The function to create a new child process is called fork. When Linux creates a new process, it doesn't start by creating a blank process. Instead, it makes a copy of the original process so there are effectively two copies of your program running. The fork function returns a value to tells your program if it is the original program or the new copy.
If you want to run a different program, you'll have to use one of the exec family of functions to load and run the new program. The exec functions destroy the old program and run a new program in its place. The above section, Using System and OSLib.Spawn, has an example C function called CrunIt that uses fork to start a new process and run a new program.
type pid_t is new integer;Wait3 and Wait4 are BSD UNIX variations which perform the same functions as wait and waitpid but with slightly different parameters.
When multitasking, if a child process stops, it's retained in memory so that the parent can use wait to find out the reason it stopped running. These children are called "zombies". If the parent process doesn't use wait, the zombies will remain indefinitely, using up system resources. For any large multitasking program, make sure you handle SIGCHLD signals: these are created when a child stops running. The SIGCHLD handler only needs to call wait and Linux will then remove the child process from memory.
The following is a simple multitasking example that multitasks two Put_Line statements.
-- a simple example of multitasking that multitasks -- two put_line statements with ada.text_io; use ada.text_io; procedure multitask is type pid_t is new integer; function fork return pid_t; pragma import( C, fork); -- create a new process errno : integer; pragma import( C, errno); -- the last error code procedure wait( pid : out pid_t; status : in out integer); pragma import( C, wait); pragma import_valued_procedure( wait); -- wait until all child processes are finished myPID : pid_t; wait_pid : pid_t; wait_status : integer; begin Put_Line( "Welcome to this multitasking example" ); Put_Line( "This is the original process." ); New_Line; -- the fork function duplicates this program into -- two identical processes. Put_Line( "Splitting into two identical processes..." ); Put_Line( "-----------------------------------------" ); myPID := fork; -- split in two! -- This program is now the original process or the -- new child process. myPID tells you which process -- you are. if myPID < 0 then Put_Line( Standard_Error, "Fork has failed. Error code " & errno'img ); elsif myPID = 0 then Put_Line( "This is the child process" ); else Put_Line( "This is the original process." ); -- wait until child is finished wait( wait_pid, wait_status); if wait_pid < 0 then Put_Line( Standard_Error, "Wait error: wait returned PID " & wait_pid'img & " and error number " & errno'img); end if; end if; end multitask;
Welcome to this multitasking example This is the original process. Splitting into two identical processes... ----------------------------------------- This is the original process. This is the child process
The Linux file operations are part of the standard C library, and don't need to be linked in with the -lc option. The C calls are defined in the "fcntl.h" header file.
[Explain Linux files here]
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The following bindings assume these types have been defined.
type file_id is new integer; -- file ID number are discussed below type mode_t is new integer; type gid_t is new integer; type uid_t is new integer; type size_t is new long_integer;function unlink( pathname : string ) return integer;
Other low-level file operations are all done with the fcntl (file control) function. There are three variations to fcntl: it may have an operation code, an operation code and a long integer argument, or an operation code and a locking record argument.
The operation numbers are defined in /usr/src/linux/asm-i386/fnctl.h:
F_DUPFD : constant integer := 0; F_GETFD : constant integer := 1; F_SETFD : constant integer := 2; F_GETFL : constant integer := 3; F_SETFL : constant integer := 4; F_GETLK : constant integer := 5; F_SETLK : constant integer := 6; F_SETLKW : constant integer := 7; F_SETOWN : constant integer := 8; F_GETOWN : constant integer := 9; F_SETSIG : constant integer := 10; F_GETSIG : constant integer := 11;function fcntl( fd : file_id; operation => F_DUPFD )
Additional information about locks are found in /usr/src/linux/Documentation/locks.txt
type aLock is new short_integer; F_RDLCK : constant aLock := 0; -- read lock F_WRLCK : constant aLock := 1; -- write lock F_UNLCK : constant aLock := 2; -- unlock (remove a lock) F_EXLCK : constant aLock := 3; -- exclusive lock F_SHLCK : constant aLock := 4; -- shared lock type aWhenceMode is new short_integer; SEEK_SET : constant aWhenceMode := 0; -- absolute position SEEK_CUR : constant aWhenceMode := 1; -- offset from current position SEEK_END : constant aWhenceMode := 2; -- offset from end of file
type lockstruct is record l_type : aLock; -- type of lock l_whence : short_integer; -- how to interpret l_start l_start : integer; -- offset or position l_len : integer; -- number of bytes to lock (0 for all) l_pid : integer; -- with GETLK, process ID owning lock end record;
To lock a file, create a lockstruct record and fill in the details about the kind of lock you want.
A read lock (F_RDLCK) makes the part of the file you specify read-only. No one can write to that part of the file.
A write lock prevents any other program from reading or writing to the part of the file you specify. Your program may change that part of the file without being concerned that another process will try to read it before you're finished.
If your program stops prematurely, the locks will be released.
Example: Get exclusive right to write to the file, waiting until it's possible:-- lock file myLockStruct : lockStruct; result : integer; ... myLockStruct.l_type := F_WRLCK; myLockStruct.l_whence := 0; myLockStruct.l_start := 0; myLockStruct.l_end := 0; fcntl( result, fd, F_SETLKW, myLockStruct ); if result = -1 then put_line( standard_error, "fcntl failed" ); end if; -- file is now locked ... -- unlock file myLockStruct.l_type := F_UNLCK; myLockStruct.l_whence := 0; fcntl( result, fd, F_SETLKW, myLockStruct ); if result = -1 then put_line( standard_error, "fcntl failed" ); end if;
[Double check off_t size for l_start, l_len--KB]
function fcntl( fd : file_id; operation => F_GETOWN )The standard Ada packages Text_IO, Sequential_IO and Direct_IO are suitable for simple projects, but they were never intended as a complete solution for large-scale applications. If you want to do efficient file manipulation, you'll have to write your own routines based on kernel calls or the standard C library.
gnat's OSLIB package contains low-level commands to work with UNIX files. However, you can always create your own.
The following bindings assume these types have been defined.
type file_id is new integer; type mode_t is new integer; type off_t is new long_integer; type size_t is new long_integer; subype ssize_t is size_t;
O_RDONLY : constant integer := 8#00#; -- open for reading only O_WRONLY : constant integer := 8#01#; -- open for writing only O_RDWR : constant integer := 8#02#; -- open for reading and writing O_CREAT : constant integer := 8#0100#; -- no file? create it O_EXCL : constant integer := 8#0200#; -- lock file (see below) O_NOCTTY : constant integer := 8#0400#; -- if tty, don't acquire it O_TRUNC : constant integer := 8#01000#; -- file exists? truncate it O_APPEND : constant integer := 8#02000#; -- file exists? move to end O_NONBLOCK : constant integer := 8#04000#; -- if pipe, don't wait for data O_SYNC : constant integer := 8#010000#; -- don't cache writes O_ASYNC : constant integer := 8#020000#; -- async. IO via SIGIO O_DIRECT : constant integer := 8#040000#; -- direct disk access O_LARGEFILE: constant integer := 8#0100000#; -- not implemented in Linux (yet) O_DIRECTORY: constant integer := 8#0200000#; -- error if file isn't a dir O_NOFOLLOW : constant integer := 8#0400000#; -- if sym link, open link itselfFlags may be added together.
SEEK_SET : constant integer := 0; -- from start of file SEEK_CUR : constant integer := 1; -- offset from current position SEEK_END : constant integer := 2; -- from end of file
File input/output is naturally suited to generic packages. You can use the generic package to hide the low-level details of the standard C library. In following example, SeqIO is a generic package for reading and writing a sequential file of some type, using the kernel calls mentioned above.
-- SeqIO -- -- A simple sequential IO package using standard C functions generic type AFileElement is private; package SeqIO is type AFileID is new short_integer; seqio_error : exception; function Open( path : string; read : boolean := true ) return AFileID; -- open a new file for read or write procedure Close( fid : AFileID ); -- close a file procedure Read( fid : AFileID; data : in out AFileElement); -- read one data item from the file. seqio_error is raised -- if the data couldn't be read procedure Write( fid : AFileID; data : AFileElement ); -- write one data item to the file. seqio_error is raised -- if the data couldn't be written end SeqIO; package body SeqIO is pragma optimize( space); -- Import C file handling functions type mode_t is new integer; -- C mode_t type type size_t is new integer; -- C size_t type subtype ssize_t is size_t; -- C ssize_t type -- The C file functions we'll be using -- (denoted with a C_ prefix for clarity ) function C_Open( path : string; flags : integer; mode : mode_t) return AFileID; pragma import( C, C_Open, "open"); function C_Close( file : AFileID ) return integer; pragma import( C, C_Close, "close" ); procedure C_Read( size : out ssize_t; file : AFileID; data : in out AFileElement; count: size_t); pragma import( C, C_Read, "read"); pragma import_valued_procedure( C_Read); -- Using an "in out" parameter is the easiest way to pass -- the address of the data element. Because Ada doesn't -- allow in out parameters in functions, we'll use gnat's -- valued procedure pragma to pretend read is a procedure procedure C_Write( size : out ssize_t; file : AFileID; data : in out AFileElement; count: size_t); pragma import( C, C_Write, "write"); pragma import_valued_procedure( C_Write); -- Using an "in out" parameter is the easiest way to pass -- the address of the data element. Because Ada doesn't -- allow in out parameters in functions, we'll use gnat's -- valued procedure pragma to pretend write is a procedure -- Our Ada subprograms function Open( path : string; read : boolean := true ) return AFileID is -- open a new file for read or write flags : integer; begin -- the flag values are listed in fcntlbits.h and man 2 open if read then flags := 0; -- read only, existing file else flags := 1000 + 100 + 1; -- write only, create or truncate end if; -- octal 640 => usr=read/write, group=read, others=no access return C_Open( path & ASCII.NUL, flags, 8#640# ); end Open; procedure Close( fid : AFileID ) is -- close a file Result : integer; -- we'll ignore it begin Result := C_Close( fid); end Close; procedure Read( fid : AFileID; data : in out AFileElement ) is -- read one data item from the file BytesRead : ssize_t; begin -- 'size returns the size of the type in bits, so we -- divide by 8 for number of bytes to read C_Read( BytesRead, fid, data, AFileElement'size / 8 ); if BytesRead /= AFileElement'size / 8 then raise seqio_error; end if; end Read; procedure Write( fid : AFileID; data : AFileElement ) is -- write one data item to the file BytesWritten : ssize_t; data2write : AFileElement; begin -- can't use data directly because it's an "in" parameter data2write := data; -- 'size returns the size of the type in bits, so we -- divide by 8 for number of bytes to write C_Write( BytesWritten, fid, data2write, AFileElement'size / 8); if BytesWritten /= AFileElement'size / 8 then raise seqio_error; end if; end Write; end SeqIO;
You can test SeqIO with the following program:
with SeqIO; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure SeqIOtest is -- program to test SeqIO package IntIO is new SeqIO( integer); -- IntIO is a SeqIO for integer numbers id : IntIO.AFileID; int2read : integer; begin Put_Line( "Testing SeqIO package..." ); New_Line; -- Part #1: Write numbers to a file Put_Line( "Writing numbers 1 to 10 to a file..."); id := IntIO.Open( "int_list.txt", read => false ); for i in 1..10 loop IntIO.Write( id, i) end loop; IntIO.Close( id); -- Part #2: Read the numbers back from the same file Put_Line( "Reading numbers back..." ); id := IntIO.Open( "int_list.txt", read => true); for i in 1..10 loop IntIO.Read( id, int2read); Put_Line( "Number" & i'img & " =" & int2read'img ); end loop; IntIO.Close( id ); exception when IntIO.seqio_error => Put_Line( "Oh, oh! seqio_error!"); end SeqIOtest;
Note: This should be rewritten because a failure to write all the bytes is not necessarily an error--Linux has a buffer limit on how much it writes at one time--KB
Writing numbers 1 to 10 to a file... Reading numbers back... Number 1 = 1 Number 2 = 2 Number 3 = 3 Number 4 = 4 Number 5 = 5 Number 6 = 6 Number 7 = 7 Number 8 = 8 Number 9 = 9 Number 10 = 10File Multiplexing Operations
These kernel calls help programs that have to monitor several file descriptors at once for activity.
procedure select( result : out integer; topplusone : integer; readset : in out fdset; writeset : in out fd_set; errorset : in out fd_set; timeout : in out timeval );type pollfd is record fd : integer; events : short_integer; revents : short_integer; end record; Poll Events POLLIN := 16#1#; POLLPRI := 16#2#; POLLOUT := 16#4#; POLLERR := 16#8#; POLLHUP := 16#10#; POLLNVAL := 16#20#;
These are defined in asm/poll.h.
procedure poll( result : out integer; ufds : in out pollfd; nfds : integer; timeout_milliseconds : integer );Directories are "folders" containing collections of files and other directories. In Linux, a directory is a special kind of file. Some of the standard file operations work on directories and some other file operations are specific to directories.
The top-most directory is /, or the root directory. All files on a system are located under the root directory. Disk drives do not have separate designations as in MS-DOS.
A period (.) represents the current directory, and a double period (..) represents the parent directory of the current directory. All directories have . and .. defined. The root directory, of course, doesn't have a parent: it's .. entry points to itself.
Many of the kernel calls and standard C library functions dealing with directories use functions that return C pointers. As mentioned in the bindings section, the only way to convert these kind of functions to Ada is by declaring the C pointers as a System.Address type and changing the C pointers to Ada access types using the Address_To_Access_Conversions package.
procedure getcwd( buffer : out string; maxsize : size_t );chdir( "/home/bob/stuff" & ASCII.NUL );
Result := chroot( "/home/server/stay-in-this-directory" & ASCII.NUL);
There is also a scandir function that reads a directory and sorts the entries, but this is difficult to use directly from Ada.
The following program demonstrates some of the directory subprograms in Linux.
with Ada.Text_IO, Interfaces.C, Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Text_IO, Interfaces.C, Ada.Strings.Fixed; with System.Address_To_Access_Conversions; procedure direct is -- Working with directories subtype size_t is Interfaces.C.size_t; -- renaming size_t to save some typing package CStringPtrs is new System.Address_To_Access_Conversions( string ); use CStringPtrs; -- Convert between C and Ada pointers to a string subtype DirInfoCPtr is System.Address; subtype DirEntCPtr is System.Address; -- two C pointers (System.Address types), renamed for -- clarity below type DirEnt is record inode : long_integer; -- inode number offset : integer; -- system dependent offset2: unsigned_char; -- system dependent reclen : unsigned_short; -- system dependent name : string( 1..257 ); -- name of file end record; pragma pack( dirent); -- dirent is defined in /usr/src/linux../linux/dirent.h package DirEntPtrs is new System.Address_To_Access_Conversions( DirEnt ); use DirEntPtrs; -- Convert between C and Ada pointers to a directory entry procedure getcwd( buffer : out string; maxsize : size_t ); pragma import( C, getcwd ); function get_current_dir_name return System.Address; pragma import( C, get_current_dir_name); function mkdir( path : string; mode : size_t ) return integer; pragma import( C, mkdir ); function rmdir( path : string ) return integer; pragma import( C, rmdir ); function opendir( path : string ) return DirInfoCPtr; pragma import( C, opendir ); function closedir( info : DirInfoCPtr ) return integer; pragma import( C, closedir ); function readdir( info : DirInfoCPtr ) return DirEntCPtr; pragma import( C, readdir ); function rewinddir( info : DirInfoCPtr ) return integer; pragma import( C, rewinddir ); function telldir( info : DirInfoCPtr ) return integer; pragma import( C, telldir ); function seekdir( info : DirInfoCPtr; position : integer ) return integer; pragma import( C, seekdir ); -- scandir hard to use from Ada s: string(1..80); csop: CStringPtrs.Object_Pointer; Result: integer; DirInfo: DirInfoCPtr; direntop : DirEntPtrs.Object_Pointer; Position : integer; LastPosition : integer; begin Put_Line( "This program demonstrates Linux's directory functions" ); New_Line; -- getcwd example getcwd( s, s'length ); Put( "The current path (simplified) is " ); Put_Line( Head( s, Index( s, ASCII.NUL & "" )-1 )); -- Index for fixed strings takes a string as the second parameter -- We'll make a string containing an ASCII.NUL with & -- get_current_dir_name example csop := To_Pointer( get_current_dir_name ); Put( "The current path is " ); Put_Line( Head( csop.all, Index( csop.all, ASCII.NUL & "" )-1 ) ); -- mkdir example: create a directory named "temp" Result := mkdir( "temp" & ASCII.NUL, 755 ); if Result /= 0 then Put_Line( "mkdir error" ); else Put_Line( "temp directory created" ); end if; -- rmdir example: remove the directory we just made Result := rmdir( "temp" & ASCII.NUL ); if Result /= 0 then Put_Line( "rmdir error" ); else Put_Line( "temp directory removed" ); end if; New_Line; -- directory reading DirInfo := OpenDir( "/home/ken/ada" & ASCII.NUL); Put_Line( "Directory /home/ken/ada contains these files:"); loop direntop := To_Pointer( ReadDir( DirInfo ) ); exit when direntop = null; -- TellDir returns the position in the directory -- LastPosition will hold the position of the last entry read LastPosition := Position; Position := TellDir( DirInfo ); Put_Line( Head( Direntop.name, Index( Direntop.name, ASCII.NUL & "" )-1 ) ); end loop; New_Line; -- SeekDir: move to last position in directory Result := SeekDir( DirInfo, LastPosition ); Put( "The last position is " ); direntop := To_Pointer( ReadDir( DirInfo ) ); Put_Line( Head( Direntop.name, Index( Direntop.name, ASCII.NUL & "" )-1 ) ); New_Line; -- RewindDir: Start reading again Result := RewindDir( DirInfo ); Put( "The first position is " ); direntop := To_Pointer( ReadDir( DirInfo ) ); Put_Line( Head( Direntop.name, Index( Direntop.name, ASCII.NUL & "" )-1 ) ); New_Line; -- close the directory Result := CloseDir( DirInfo ); end direct;
This program demonstrates Linux's directory functions The current path (simplified) is /home/ken/ada/trials The current path is /home/ken/ada/trial temp directory created temp directory removed Directory /home/ken/ada contains these files: . .. temp all.zip README posix.zip sm posix cgi tia x rcsinfo.txt text_only original lintel texttools smbeta2.zip trials plugins texttools.zip The last position is texttools.zip The first position is .
C has a library called stdio, or STanDard IO, which contains standard operations for text files. Loosely, stdio is the C equivalent of Ada's Text_IO package.The standard gnat package cstreams(?) provides a thin binding to many of the stdio functions. In this section, we'll looking at using stdio directly.
Some of the stdio functions can't be used from Ada because of differences in the languages. For example, printf, the standard command for writing to the screen, has a variable number of parameters. Because there's no way to express a variable number of parameters in Ada, printf can't be imported into Ada.
with System; type AStdioFileID is new System.Address;function fputc( c : integer; fid : AStdioFileID ) return integer;
Operation: LOCK_SH (1) - shared lock LOCK_EX (2) - exclusive lock LOCK_NB (4) - no block flag (may be added to others) LOCK_UN (8) - unlock
Pipes are the equivalent of shell command pipes formed by the '|' character. You can open a pipe to or from a shell command, depending if the pipe is for writing or reading respectively.
These single direction pipe commands are a part of the standard C library.
function popen( command, mode : string ) return AStdioFileID;The following program prints to a printer by opening a pipe to the lpr command.
with Ada.Text_IO, System, SeqIO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure printer2 is -- a program for simple printing ---> Pipe Stuff ------------------------------------- type AStdioFileID is new System.Address; -- a pointer to a C standard IO (stdio) file id function popen( command, mode : string ) return AStdioFileID; pragma import( C, popen, "popen" ); -- opens a pipe to command procedure pclose( result : out integer; fid : AStdioFileID ); pragma import( C, pclose, "pclose" ); pragma import_valued_procedure( pclose); -- closes a pipe function fputc( c : integer; fid : AStdioFileID ) return integer; pragma import( C, fputc, "fputc" ); -- part of standard C library.Writes one charctera to a file. function fputs( s : string; fid : AStdioFileID ) return integer; pragma import( C, fputs, "fputs" ); -- part of standard C library.Writes a string to a file. PipeID : AStdioFileID; -- File ID for lpr pipe procedure BeginPrinting is -- open a pipe to lpr begin Put_Line( "Opening pipe to lpr ..." ); PipeID := popen( "lpr" & ASCII.NUL, "w"& ASCII.NUL); end BeginPrinting; procedure EndPrinting is -- close the pipe.Result doesn't matter. -- Linux normally will not eject a page when -- printing is done, so we'll use a form feed. Result : integer; begin Result := fputc( character'pos( ASCII.FF ), PipeID); pclose( Result, PipeID ); end EndPrinting; --> Input/Output Stuff -------------------------------- procedure Print( s : string ) is -- print a string to the pipe, with a carriage -- return and line feed. Result : integer; begin Result := fputs( s & ASCII.CR & ASCII.LF & ASCII.NUL, PipeID ); end Print; begin -- Open the pipe to the lpr command Put_Line( "Starting to print..." ); BeginPrinting; Print( "Sales Report" ); Print( "------------" ); Print( "" ); Print( "Sales were good" ); -- Now, close the pipe. EndPrinting; Put_Line( "Program done...check the printer" ); end printer2;
The amount of virtual memory for a process depends on the processor. For Intel x86 processors, your program and data must be 3 Gigabytes or less. (An additional 1 Gigabyte per process is reserved for the kernel, accounting for the full 32-bits of addressing space.)
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The virtual consoles are controlled by the ioctl() function.
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The following example catches SIGWINCH signals and reports the new window size.with Ada.Interrupts.Names; useAda.Interrupts; package sigwinch is protected SignalHandler is procedure SizeChangeHandler; pragma Attach_Handler( SizeChangeHandler, Names.SIGWINCH ); -- this handler will catch SIGWINCH signals, a window size -- change end SignalHandler; end sigwinch;
with Ada.Text_IO; useAda.Text_IO; package body sigwinch is -- imported C functions TIOGWINSIZ : constant integer := 16#5413#; -- get window size ioctl request type WindowSizeInfo is record row, column, unused1, unused2 : short_integer; end record; pragma pack( WindowSizeInfo ); -- the window size information returned by ioctl type AFileID is new integer; -- a file descriptor, a new integer for safety procedure ioctl_winsz( Result : out integer; fid : AFileID; request : integer; info : in out WindowSizeInfo ); pragma import( C, ioctl_winsz, "ioctl"); pragma import_valued_procedure( ioctl_winsz, "ioctl" ); -- get the size of the window function open( path : string; flags : integer ) return AFileID; pragma import( C, open, "open" ); -- open a file (in this case, the tty) procedure close( fid : AFileID ); pragma import( C, close, "close" ); -- close a file -- The Signal Handler protected body SignalHandler is procedure SizeChangeHandler is -- handle a window size change, SIGWINCH fid: AFileID;-- open's file ID Result : integer; -- function result of ioctl Info: WindowSizeInfo; -- window size returned by ioctl begin fid := Open( "/dev/tty" & ASCII.NUL, 0 ); ioctl_winsz( Result, fid, TIOGWINSIZ, Info ); if Result = 0 then Put_Line( "Window is now " & info.column'img & " x " & info.row'img); else Put_Line( "ioctl reports an error" ); end if; Close( fid ); end SizeChangeHandler; end SignalHandler; end sigwinch;
with Ada.Text_IO, sigwinch;useAda.Text_IO, sigwinch; procedure winch is begin Put_Line( "This program catches SIGWINCH signals"); New_Line; Put_Line( "It will stop running is 60 seconds. If you are using" ); Put_Line( "X Windows, move the window to send signals."); New_Line; delay 60.0; -- run for 60 seconds end winch;
mySQL (pronounced "my ess que ell" ) is a free, high-performance database from T.c.X. It's available for a number of platform, including Linux. The mySQL home page is http://www.mysql.org.
mySQL comes with a C library called "mysqlclient". If an Ada program links in this library with "-lmysqlclient", it can access mySQL databases. You issue commands to the database called queries using the database language SQL (pronounced "sequel").
Connecting to a mySQL database is a six step process:
Usually, a null point or non-zero integer result indicates an error. mysql_errono returns the error.
Complete documentation is available from the mySQL web site.
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The details of writing kernel device drivers in Ada is beyond the scope of this book. However, you'll have to use "GNORT" (pragma no_run_time).
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure nrt2 is -- Simple Program begin put_line( "Hello World" ); end nrt2;
pragma no_run_time; procedure nrt is -- Same as nrt2 but using no run time type file_id is new integer; -- No Ada.Text_IO possible, so we'll write our own -- that talks directly to the Linux kernel procedure write_char( amount_written : out long_integer; id : file_id; buffer : in out character; amount2write : long_integer ); pragma import( C, write_char, "write" ); pragma import_valued_procedure( write_char, "write" ); procedure put( c : character ) is result : long_integer; buf : character := c; begin write_char( result, 1, buf, 1 ); end put; procedure new_line is begin put( character'val( 10 ) ); end new_line; procedure put_line( s : string ) is pragma suppress( index_check, s ); -- s(i) won't throw a range error, but Gnat checks for it -- by default. Exceptions are a part of the run time. begin for i in s'range loop put( s(i) ); end loop; new_line; end put_line; begin put_line( "Hello World" ); end nrt;
The Linux sound capabilities, called OSS, were developed by 4front technologies.You can find more advanced documentation at their website http://www.opensound.com. This section describes only the basic functions.
The newest Linux sound standard is ALSA.
Most distributions have OSS in the kernel by default, but there's no reason that OSS must be present--it can always be turned off for computers without a sound card.
Open the file /dev/sndstatus. If there is no error, the computer has a sound card.
There are no C libraries or kernel calls to play sound samples. Instead, there is a device file called /dev/dsp which plays sound samples in the .au sound format.
The .au sound format consists of a header describing the sound followed by the actual sound data. The header looks like this:
type AAUHeader is record Magic : integer; -- a unique number denoting a .au file, -- as used with the magic file, SND_MAGIC -- Hex 646E732E (bytes 2E, 73, 6E, 64) dataLocation : integer; -- offset or pointer to the sound data dataSize: integer; -- number of bytes of sound data dataFormat: integer; -- the data format code samplingRate : integer; -- the sampling rate channelCount : integer; -- the number of channels info1, info2, info3, info4 : character;-- name of sound end record;
dataLocation is an offset to the first byte of the sound data. If there's no sound name, it's 28, the size of the header. It can a pointer to the data, depending on the dataFormat code, but that doesn't apply if you're playing a .au file.
dataSize is the size of the sound data in bytes, not including the header.
dataFormat describes how the sound data is to be interpreted. Here is a table of some common values.
Value | Code | Format |
0 | SND_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED | unspecified format |
1 | SND_FORMAT_MULAW_8 | 8-bit mu-law samples |
2 | SND_FORMAT_LINEAR_8 | 8-bit linear samples |
3 | SND_FORMAT_LINEAR_16 | 16-bit linear samples |
4 | SND_FORMAT_LINEAR_24 | 24-bit linear samples |
5 | SND_FORMAT_LINEAR_32 | 32-bit linear samples |
6 | SND_FORMAT_FLOAT | floating-point samples |
7 | SND_FORMAT_DOUBLE | double-precision float samples |
8 | SND_FORMAT_INDIRECT | fragmented sampled data |
10 | SND_FORMAT_DSP_CORE | DSP program |
11 | SND_FORMAT_DSP_DATA_8 | 8-bit fixed-point samples |
12 | SND_FORMAT_DSP_DATA_16 | 16-bit fixed-point samples |
13 | SND_FORMAT_DSP_DATA_24 | 24-bit fixed-point samples |
14 | SND_FORMAT_DSP_DATA_32 | 32-bit fixed-point samples |
16 | SND_FORMAT_DISPLAY | non-audio display data |
18 | SND_FORMAT_EMPHASIZED | 16-bit linear with emphasis |
19 | SND_FORMAT_COMPRESSED | 16-bit linear with compression |
20 | SND_FORMAT_COMPRESSED_EMPHASIZED | Combo of the two above |
21 | SND_FORMAT_DSP_COMMANDS | Music Kit DSP commands |
SamplingRate is the playback rate in hertz.CD quality samples are 44100.
channelCount is 1 for mono, 2 for stereo.
The info characters are a C null-terminated string giving a name for the sound. It's always at least 4 characters long, even if unused.
In order to play a sound, treat /dev/dsp as if it were a device attached to your computer for playing .au sounds.Write a program to open /dev/dsp for writing and write the .au sound to it.
Playing sounds is a natural candidate for multithreading because you don't want your entire program to stop while a sound is being played.
The following program uses the seqio generic package we developed above to play an .au sound through /dev/dsp.
with seqio; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure playsnd is -- simple program to play an .au sound file package byteio is new seqio( short_short_integer ); -- sequential files of bytes au_filename : constant string := "beep.au"; -- sound file to play. supply the name of the .au file to play au_file: byteio.AFileID; -- the sound file dev_dsp: byteio.AFileID; -- /dev/dsp device soundbyte : short_short_integer; begin Put_Line( "Playing " & au_filename & "..."); -- open the files au_file := byteio.Open( au_filename, read => true); dev_dsp := byteio.Open( "/dev/dsp", read => false); -- read until we run out of bytes, send all bytes to -- /dev/dsp.The end of file will cause a seqio_error begin -- nested block to catch the exception loop byteio.Read( au_file, soundbyte ); byteio.Write( dev_dsp, soundbyte ); end loop; exception when byteio.seqio_error => null; -- just leave block end; -- close files byteio.Close( au_file ); byteio.Close( dev_dsp ); Put_Line( "All done" ); exception when others => Put_Line( "Oh, oh!An exception occurred!" ); byteio.Close( au_file ); byteio.Close( dev_dsp ); raise; end playsnd;
You control the mixer chip, if your sound card has one, by using the ioctl() kernel call. If there is no mixer, the ioctl() function returns -1. Mixer Functions Table
SOUND_MIXER_NRDEVICES | 17 | Number of mixer functions on this computer |
SOUND_MIXER_VOLUME | 0 | The master volume setting |
SOUND_MIXER_BASS | 1 | Bass setting |
SOUND_MIXER_TREBLE | 2 | Treble setting |
SOUND_MIXER_SYNTH | 3 | FM synthesizer volume |
SOUND_MIXER_PCM | 4 | /dev/dsp volume |
SOUND_MIXER_SPEAKER | 5 | internal speaker volume, if attached to sound card |
SOUND_MIXER_LINE | 6 | "line in" jack volume |
SOUND_MIXER_MIC | 7 | microphone jack volume |
SOUND_MIXER_CD | 8 | CD input volume |
SOUND_MIXER_IMIX | 9 | Recording monitor volume |
SOUND_MIXER_ALTPCM | 10 | volume of alternate codec, on some cards |
SOUND_MIXER_RECLEV | 11 | Recording level volume |
SOUND_MIXER_IGAIN | 12 | Input gain |
SOUND_MIXER_OGAIN | 13 | Output gain |
SOUND_MIXER_LINE1 | 14 | Input source 1 (aux1) |
SOUND_MIXER_LINE2 | 15 | Input source 2 (aux2) |
SOUND_MIXER_LINE3 | 16 | Input source 3 (line) |
Reading or writing values have a special bit set [Ken check using soundcard.h].
Ioctl calls return an integer value. Volume levels can be 0 to 100, but many sound cards do not offer 100 levels of volume. /dev/mixer will set the volume to setting nearest to your requested volume.
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Sound_mixer_volume : constant integer := 0; Sound_Mixer_Read : constant integer := ?; Sound_Mixer_Write : constant integer := ?; oldVolume : integer; ioctlResult := Ioctl( mixer_file_id, sound_mixer_read + sound_mixer_volume, oldVolume ); -- master volume now in oldVolume if ioctlResult = -1 then Put_Line( "No mixer installed " ); end if; newVolume := 75; ioctlResult := ioctl( mixer_file_id, sound_mixer_write + sound_mixer_volume, newVolume ); -- master volume is 75%
Recording sounds works is the reverse process of playing sounds. Open /dev/dsp for reading, and it returns sound data. However, before you can begin recording from /dev/dsp, you need to describe how you want the recording done. You need to select the input source, sample format (sometimes called as number of bits), number of channels (mono/stereo) , and the sampling rate (speed). These are set by using the ioctl function on the /dev/dsp file.
To select the input source, you'll need to use /dev/mixer.
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Sound_Mixer_Recsrc : constant integer := ?; Sound_Mixer_Read : constant integer := ?; Sound_Mixer_Write : constant integer := ?; newInputSource := Sound_Mixer_Mic; ioctlResult := ioctl( mixer_file_id, sound_mixer_write + sound_mixer_recsrc, newInputSource );
Common formats
/* Audio data formats (Note! U8=8 and S16_LE=16 for compatibility) */
AFMT_QUERY | 16#00000000# | Returns current format |
AFMT_IMA_ADPCM | 16#00000004# | ADPCM compressed data |
AFMT_U8 | 16#00000008# | Unsigned bytes |
AFMT_S16_LE | 16#00000010# | Little endian signed 16 bits |
AFMT_S16_BE | 16#00000020# | Big endian signed 16 bits |
AFMT_S8 | 16#00000040# | Signed bytes |
AFMT_U16_LE | 16#00000080# | Little endian U16 bits |
AFMT_U16_BE | 16#00000100# | Big endian U16 bits |
AFMT_MPEG | 16#00000200# | MPEG (2) audio |
sndctl_dsp_setfmt : constant integer := ?; newFormat : integer; newFormat := 16#0000010#; ioctlResult := ioctl( dsp_id, sndctl_dsp_setfmt, newFormat ); -- recording format now 16 bit signed little endian if newFormat /= 16#00000010 then Put_Line( "Sound card doesn't support recording format" ); end if;
Selecting mono or stereo recording is a matter of 0 or 1 respectively.
sndctl_dsp_stereo : constant integer := ?; stereo : integer; stereo := 1; ... ioctlResult := ioctl( dsp_id, sndctl_dsp_stereo, stereo ); -- recording format now stereo if stereo /= 1 then Put_Line( "Sound card doesn't support stereo" ); end if;
Finally, select a sampling rate.
sndctl_dsp_speed : constant integer := ?; newSpeed : integer; newSpeed:= 44100; ioctlResult := ioctl( dsp_id, sndctl_dsp_speed, newFormat ); -- recording now CD quality sampling speed if newSpeed /= 44100 then Put_Line( "Sound card doesn't support sampling speed" ); end if;
Now read /dev/dsp for the raw sound data. If you want to save the sound as an .au file, you'll have to create the .au header information to attach to the sound data.
Shared Memory Flags
IPC_CREAT | Create new shared memory block | |
IPC_EXCL | plus read, write and execute bits. |
IPC_PRIVATE indicates no key is supplied.
Send (sentto and sendmsg) are supersets of write. When you use write on a socket, it's actually implemented using the send family.
Write will not work on UDP because it's connectionless. Use send to specify an address everytime.
Protocol Families
PF_INET Internet (IPv4)
PF_INET6 Internet (IPv6)
PF_IPX Novell
PF_NETLINK Kernel user interface device
PF_X25 ITU-T X.25 / ISO-8208
PF_AX25 Amateur radio AX.25
PF_ATMPVC Access to raw ATM PVCs
PF_PACKET Low-level packet interface
Socket Types
SOCK_STREAM Two-way reliable connection, with possible out-of-band
transmission (eg. TCP/IP)
SOCK_DGRAM (Datagram) Connectionless, unreliable messages (eg. UDP/IP)
SOCK_SEQPACKET Sequenced, reliable datagram connection.
SOCK_RAQ Raw network protocol access.
SOCK_RDM Reliable, unordered datagrams.
function socket( domain, soctype, protocol : integer ) return
pragma import( C, socket );
Creates a network socket for protocol family domain, connection
type soctype, and a protocol (0 uses the default protocol).
Returns -1 on an error, or else a kernel file descriptor for the socket.
Example: mySocket := socket( PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
-- open a standard Internet socket
procedure connect( result : out integer; socket :
integer; addr : in out socketaddr; addrlen : integer );
pragma import( C, connect );
pragma import_valued_procedure( connect );
Connects to a server on the network. socket is the socket to
use; addr is the machine and service to connect to; addrlen is the length
of the addr record. Returns -1 on an error, 0 for success.
Example: connect( result, webserver, webserver'size/8 );
-- connect to the web server described by the webserver record
This section ends with a demonstration of how to get a web page off the Internet.
with Ada.Text_IO, Interfaces.C, System.Address_To_Access_Conversions; use Ada.Text_IO, Interfaces.C; procedure websocket is -- A program to fetch a web page from a server -- Socket related definitions -- -- These are the kernel calls and types we need to create -- and use a basic Internet socket. type aSocketFD is new int; -- a socket file descriptor is an integer -- man socket -- make this a new integer for strong typing purposes type aProtocolFamily is new unsigned_short; AF_INET : constant aProtocolFamily := 2; -- Internet protocol PF_Net defined as 2 in -- /usr/src/linux/include/linux/socket.h -- Make this a new integer for strong typing purposes type aSocketType is new int; SOCK_STREAM : constant aSocketType := 1; -- this is for a steady connection. Defined as 1 in -- /usr/src/linux/include/linux/socket.h -- Make this a new integer for strong typing purposes type aNetProtocol is new int; IPPROTO_TCP : constant aNetProtocol := 6; -- The number of the TCP/IP protocol -- TCP protocol defined as 6 in /etc/protocols -- See man 5 protocols -- Make this a new integer for strong typing purposes type aNetDomain is new integer; PF_INET : constant aNetDomain := 2; -- The number of the Internet domain -- Make this a new integer for strong typing purposes type aInAddr is record addr : unsigned := 0; end record; for aInAddr'size use 96; -- A sockaddr_in record is defined as 16 bytes long (or 96 bits) -- Request Ada to use 16 bytes to represent this record type aSocketAddr is record family : aProtocolFamily := AF_INET; -- protocol (AF_INET for TCP/IP) port : unsigned_short := 0; -- the port number (eg 80 for web) ip : aInAddr; -- IP number end record; -- an Internet socket address -- defined in /usr/src/linux/include/linux/socket.h -- and /usr/src/linux/include/linux/in.h function socket( domain : aNetDomain; stype : aSocketType; protocol : aNetProtocol ) return aSocketFD; pragma import( C, socket ); -- initialize a communication socket. -1 if error procedure bind( result : out int; sockfd : aSocketFD; sa : in out aSocketAddr; addrlen : int ); pragma import( C, bind ); pragma import_valued_procedure( bind ); -- give socket a name. 0 if successful procedure Connect( result : out int; socket : aSocketFD; sa : in out aSocketAddr; addrlen : int ); pragma import( C, connect ); pragma import_valued_procedure( connect ); -- connect to a (Internet) server. 0 if successful procedure Close( fd : aSocketFD ); pragma import( C, close ); -- close the socket, discard the integer result procedure Read( result : out integer; from : aSocketFD; buffer : in out string; buffersize : integer ); pragma import( C, read ); pragma import_valued_procedure( read ); -- read from a socket procedure Write( result : out integer; from : aSocketFD; buffer : system.address; buffersize : integer ); pragma import( C, write ); pragma import_valued_procedure( write ); -- write to a socket package addrListPtrs is new System.Address_To_Access_Conversions( System.Address ); -- We need to use C pointers with the address list because this is -- a pointer to a pointer in C. This will allow us to dereference -- the C pointers in Ada. subtype addrListPtr is System.Address; -- easier to read than System.Address type aHostEnt is record h_name : System.Address; -- pointer to offical name of host h_aliases : System.Address; -- pointer to alias list h_addrtype : int := 0; -- host address type (PF_INET) h_length : int := 0; -- length of address h_addr_list : addrListPtr; -- pointer to list IP addresses -- we only want first one end record; -- defined in man gethostbyname package HEptrs is new System.Address_To_Access_Conversions( aHostEnt ); -- Again, we need to work with C pointers here subtype aHEptr is System.Address; -- and this is easier to read use HEptrs; -- use makes = (equals) visible function getHostByName( cname : string ) return aHEptr; pragma import( C, getHostByName ); -- look up a host by it's name, returning the IP number function htons( s : unsigned_short ) return unsigned_short; pragma import( C, htons ); -- acronym: host to network short -- on Intel x86 platforms, -- switches the byte order on a short integer to the network -- Most Significant Byte first standard of the Internet procedure memcpy( dest, src : System.Address; numbytes : int ); pragma import( C, memcpy); -- Copies bytes from one C pointer to another. We could probably -- use unchecked_conversion, but the C examples use this. errno : int; pragma import( C, errno ); -- last error number procedure perror( s : string ); pragma import( C, perror ); -- print the last kernel error and a leading C string procedure PutIPNum( ia : aInAddr ) is -- divide an IP number into bytes and display it IP : unsigned := ia.addr; Byte1, Byte2, Byte3, Byte4 : unsigned; begin Byte4 := IP mod 256; IP := IP / 256; Byte3 := IP mod 256; IP := IP / 256; Byte2 := IP mod 256; Byte1 := IP / 256; Put( Byte4'img ); Put( "." ); Put( Byte3'img ); Put( "." ); Put( Byte2'img ); Put( "." ); Put( Byte1'img ); end PutIPNum; procedure SendHTTPCommand( soc : aSocketFD; cmd : string ) is -- Write a HTTP command string to the socket amountWritten : integer := 0; totalWritten : integer := 0; position : integer := cmd'first; begin loop Write( amountWritten, soc, cmd( position )'address, cmd'length - integer( totalWritten ) ); if amountWritten < 0 then Put_Line( Standard_Error, "Write to socket failed" ); return; end if; Put_Line( "Sent" & amountWritten'img & " bytes" ); totalWritten := totalWritten + amountWritten; position := position + amountWritten; exit when totalWritten = cmd'length; end loop; end SendHTTPCommand; procedure ShowWebPage( soc : aSocketFD ) is -- Read the web server's response and display it to the screen amountRead : integer := 1; buffer : string( 1..80 ); begin -- continue reading until an error or no more data read -- up to 80 bytes at a time while amountRead > 0 loop Read( amountRead, soc, buffer, buffer'length ); if amountRead > 0 then Put( buffer( 1..amountRead ) ); end if; end loop; end ShowWebPage; ServerName: string := "www.adapower.com"; mySocket : aSocketFD; -- the socket myAddress : aSocketAddr; -- where it goes myServer : aHEptr; -- IP number of server myServerPtr : HEptrs.Object_Pointer; addrList : addrListPtrs.Object_Pointer; Result : int; begin Put_Line( "Socket Demonstration" ); New_Line; Put_Line( "This program opens a socket to a web server" ); Put_Line( "and retrieves the server's home page" ); New_Line; -- initialize a new TCP/IP socket -- 0 for the third param lets the kernel decide Put_Line( "Initializing a TCP/IP socket" ); Put_Line( "Socket( " & PF_INET'img & ',' & SOCK_STREAM'img & ", 0 );" ); mySocket := Socket( PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ); if mySocket = -1 then perror( "Error making socket" & ASCII.NUL ); return; end if; New_Line; -- Lookup the IP number for the server Put_Line( "Looking for information on " & ServerName ); Put_Line( "GetHostByName( " & ServerName & ");" ); myServer := GetHostByName( ServerName & ASCII.NUL ); myServerPtr := HEptrs.To_Pointer( myServer ); if myServerPtr = null then Put_Line( Standard_Error, "Error looking up server" ); return; end if; Put_Line( "IP number is" & myServerPtr.h_length'img & " bytes long" ); addrList := addrlistPtrs.To_Pointer( myServerPtr.h_addr_list ); New_Line; -- Create the IP, port and protocol information Put_Line( "Preparing connection destination information" ); myAddress.family := AF_INET; myAddress.port := htons( 80 ); memcpy( myAddress.ip'address, addrlist.all, myServerPtr.h_length ); New_Line; -- Open a connection to the server Put_Line( "Connect( Result, Socket, Family/Address rec, F/A rec size )" ); Connect( Result, mySocket, myAddress, myAddress'size/8 ); Put( "Connect( " & Result'img & "," ); Put( myAddress.family'img & "/" ); PutIPNum( myAddress.ip ); Put( "," & integer'image( myAddress'size / 8 ) & ")" ); if Result /= 0 then perror( "Error connecting to server" & ASCII.NUL ); return; end if; New_Line; -- Write the request -- -- "GET" returns a web page from a web server -- Also send minimal HTTP header using User-Agent -- Followed with a blank line to indicate end of command Put_Line( "Transmitting HTTP command..." ); SendHTTPCommand( mySocket, "GET /index.html HTTP/1.0" & ASCII.CR & ASCII.LF & "User-Agent: WebSocket/1.0 (BigBookLinuxAda Example)" & ASCII.CR & ASCII.LF & ASCII.CR & ASCII.LF ); New_Line; -- read web page back Put_Line( "---Web Page / Server Results-------------------------" ); ShowWebPage( mySocket ); Put_Line( "-----------------------------------------------------" ); -- close the connection Put_Line( "Closing the connection" ); close( mySocket ); Put_Line( "Demonstration finished - have a nice day" ); end websocket;
Socket Demonstration This program opens a socket to a web server and retrieves the server's home page Initializing a TCP/IP socket Socket( 2, 1, 0 ); Looking for information on www.adapower.com GetHostByName( www.adapower.com); IP number is 4 bytes long Preparing connection destination information Connect( Result, Socket, Family/Address rec, F/A rec size ) Connect( 0, 2/ 216. 92. 66. 46, 16) Transmitting HTTP command... Sent 81 bytes ---Web Page / Server Results------------------------- HTTP/1.0 200 OK Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 02:32:56 GMT Server: Apache/1.3.3 Last-Modified: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 02:03:14 GMT Etag: "1f31-406-382a23e2" Accept-Ranges: Bytes Content-Length: 1030 Content-Type: text/html Age: 39 Via: HTTP/1.0 csmc2 (Traffic-Server/3.0.3 [uScHs f p eN:t cCHi p s ]) <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <META NAME="author" CONTENT="David Botton">> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Ada AdaPower power source code free treasury repository"> <META NAME="description" CONTENT="The Ada Source Code Treasurey contains components, procedures, algorithms and articles for Ada developers."> <META http-equiv="Page-Enter" CONTENT="revealtrans(duration=2.0, transition=3)"> <TITLE>AdaPower.com</TITLE> <LINK href="mailto:David@Botton.com" rev="made"> </HEAD> <FRAMESET COLS="120,*" FRAMEBORDER=0 FRAMESPACING=0 BORDER=0> <FRAME SRC="buttons.html" name="menu" frameborder=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 noresize scrolling=auto border=0> <FRAME SRC="http://www.adapower.com/body.html" name="body" frameborder=0 marginheight=5 marginwidth=0 noresize scrolling=auto border=0> <NOFRAMES> <meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="0; URL="body.html"> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000"> <a href="body.html">Click here</a> </BODY> </BODY> </NOFRAMES> </FRAMESET> </HTML> ----------------------------------------------------- Closing the connection Demonstration finished - have a nice day
Other mmap flags:
PROT_NONE : constant aProtection
:= 0; -- shorthand for no access
PROT_READ : constant aProtection
:= 1; -- read access allowed
PROT_WRITE : constant aProtection := 2;
-- write access allowed
PROT_EXEC : constant aProtection
:= 4; -- execute access allowed
MAP_SHARED : constant aMapFlag := 16#01#;
-- share changes with child processes
-- (write changes to the file, if any)
MAP_PRIVATE : constant aMapFlag := 16#02#;
-- separate copy for child processes
-- (changes kept in memory, if any)
MAP_FIXED : constant aMapFlag :=
16#10#; -- use specified address
MAP_ANON : constant aMapFlag
:= 16#20#; -- just alloc memory, no related file
MAP_ANONYMOUS : constant aMapFlag := MAP_ANON; -- another
name for MAP_ANON
MAP_GROWSDOWN : constant aMapFlag := 16#0100#; -- stack-line
MAP_DENYWRITE : constant aMapFlag := 16#0800#; -- write
lock the file
MAP_EXECUTABLE: constant aMapFlag := 16#1000#; -- mark as
MAP_LOCKED : constant aMapFlag := 16#2000#;
-- don't swap out memory
MAP_NORESERVE : constant aMapFlag := 16#4000#; -- don't
check for reservations
function msync( start : system.address; size : length;
flags : aMSyncFlag ) return integer;
pragma import( C, msync );
Updates the file associated with the memory allocated by mmap. Returns -1
on an error.
MS_ASYNC : constant aSyncFlag :=
1; -- request memory to be saved soon
MS_INVALIDATE: constant aSyncFlag := 2;
-- mark cache as needing updating
MS_SYNC : constant aSyncFlag
:= 4; -- save memory to file immediately
function mlock( start : system.address; size : long_integer
) return integer;
pragma import( C, mlock );
Deny page swapping on this block of memory allocated by mmap. Only
a superuser process may lock pages. Returns -1 on an error.
function munlock( start : system.address; size : long_integer) return integer;
pragma import( C, munlock );
Allow page swapping on this block of memory allocated by mmap.
Returns -1 on an error.
function mlockall( flags : aLockFlag ) return integer;
pragma import( C, mlockall );
Deny swapping on all memory for this process. Only a superuser process
can lock memory. Returns -1 on an error.
function munlockall return integer;
pragma import( C, mlockall );
Allow swapping on all memory for this process. Returns -1 on an error.
MCL_CURRENT : constant aLockFlag := 1; -- lock current blocks
MCL_FUTURE : constant aLockFlag := 2; -- lock subsequent
function brk( end_data_segment : system.address ) return integer;
pragma import( C, brk );
Resize the (Intel) data segment to the specified ending address.
Returns -1 on an error.
procedure sbrk( increment : long_integer );
pragma import( C, sbrk );
Increase the (Intel) data segment by the specified number of bytes.
16.25 Exit Procedures
procedure C_exit;
pragma import( C, C_exit, "exit" );
pragma import_valued_procedure( C_exit );
exit is a C a standard C library function that closes all your
standard C library files and stops your program.
This procedure is meant to be used by C. It is not
recommended in an Ada program.
procedure K_exit;
pragma import( C, K_exit, "_exit" );
pragma import_valued_procedure( K_exit );
_exit is a kernel call to stop your program. It leaves any open
file open.
Not recommended in an Ada program: there are more effective
ways to stop your program.
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