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To constrain the size of your stack, as far as Gnat is concerned, use the GNAT_STACK_LIMIT environment variable to indicate the number of kilobytes of stack space. In individual Ada tasks, the stack size can be set by pragma Storage_Size.
Stack size checking is normally disabled by Gnat. Section 4.4 discusses this.
Ada Feature
C Equivalent
pragma Assert( condition);
Assert a condition.
pragma Debug( Procedure );
Debugging procedure call
- |
pragma Suppress_Debug_Info;
Disable pragma debug
#ifdef var...#endif |
pragma No_Return( subprogram );
Indicate a subprogram that never completes
- |
pragma Normalize_Scalars;
Initialize scalars to illegal values
- |
pragma Assert( ScreenHeight = 24 );
In this example, if the variable ScreenSize is not 24, an ASSERT_ERROR exception is raised.
Pragma Debug lets you call a procedure for debugging purposes. For example, you can use this to print information about the program while it is running. Because this is a pragma, you can place it almost anywhere, even in the middle of variable declarations.
x := 5; pragma Debug( PrintToLogFile( "X is now" & x'img ) );
If PrintToLogFile is a procedure that saves messages to a log file, this example saves the message "X is now 5" to the log file.
Pragma debug can be disabled with pragma Suppress_Debug_Info.
Pragma No_Return can be used to indicate subprograms that never complete. This suppresses the related compiler warnings.
Pragma Normalize_Scalars initializes anything not an array, record or tagged record to illegal values wherever possible. This pragma helps expose variables used before they are initialized. Use this at the start of a program or package.
Suppose you have a integer variable with a range between 1 and 100. Normally, Ada won't assign an initial value (unless you specify one). With Normalize_Scalars, your variable will be initialized to some value out of range, perhaps -1. If you attempt to use this variable, you'll probably raise a CONSTRAINT_ERROR exception.
Normalize_Scalars works better if you use the -gnatVf switch.
> If you are using 2.2.x, you can use the /proc to find a
process which is> using a directory or file. If is the case, try
this: ls -lad `find> /proc` | grep home> The number after the
/proc should be the process ID.>> Any way, it seems a little
bit delicate umount your /home after the> boot... Couldn't you
use a rescue disk and format your /home without> mount it in a
boot?>> Are you sure your /home isn't only a part of your /
(root directory)?> When you type "df", does it report a
different device for the /home?> Sorry, if I'm asking a very
basic question.>try fuser or lsof.
The -gnatG compiler switch shows Gnat's interpretation of your source code after its initial analysis. If you specify -gnatD, Gnat will write this information to a file ending in .dg (for "debug").
The following is a listing of the "pointers" program used later in this book:
with Ada.Text_IO, System.Address_To_Access_Conversions; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure pointers is package IntPtrs is new System.Address_To_Access_Conversions( integer ); -- Instantiate a package to convert access types to/from addresses. -- This creates an integer access type called Object_Pointer. five : aliased integer := 5; -- Five is aliased because we will be using access types on it int_pointer : IntPtrs.Object_Pointer; -- This is an Ada access all type int_address : System.Address; -- This is an address in memory, a C pointer begin int_pointer := five'unchecked_access; -- Unchecked_access needed because five is local to main program. -- If it was global, we could use 'access. int_address := five'address; -- Addresses can be found with the 'address attribute. -- This is the equivalent of a C pointer. int_pointer := IntPtrs.To_Pointer( int_address ); int_address := IntPtrs.To_Address( int_pointer ); -- Convert between Ada and C pointer types. end pointers;
The -gnatG shows the compiler's analysis of your program. In this case, it displays the results of the instantiation of the generic package:
with system; with ada; with ada.text_io; with system.address_to_access_conversions; use ada.text_io; with system; with system; with unchecked_conversion; procedure pointers is package intptrs is subtype object is integer; package address_to_access_conversions renames intptrs; null; type object_pointer is access all object; for object_pointer'size use 32; function to_pointer (value : address) return object_pointer; function to_address (value : object_pointer) return address; pragma convention (intrinsic, to_pointer); pragma convention (intrinsic, to_address); freeze object_pointer [] freeze to_pointer [] freeze to_address [] end intptrs; package body intptrs is function to_address (value : object_pointer) return address is begin if value = null then return null_address; else return value.all'address; end if; end to_address; function to_pointer (value : address) return object_pointer is package a_to_pGP3183 is subtype source is address; subtype target is object_pointer; function a_to_pR (s : source) return target; end a_to_pGP3183; function a_to_p is new unchecked_conversion (address, object_pointer); begin return target!(source(value)); end to_pointer; end intptrs; package intptrs is new system.address_to_access_conversions (integer); five : aliased integer := 5; int_pointer : intptrs.object_pointer := null; int_address : system.address; freeze intptrs [] begin int_pointer := five'unchecked_access; int_address := five'address; int_pointer := intptrs.to_pointer (int_address); int_address := intptrs.to_address (int_pointer); return; end pointers;
The GCC FAQ reports that floating point rounding problems can occur with -O2 and -O3 unless you use -ffloat-store (keeps floating-point numbers out of CPU registers). Using this switch will slow your program.
gnat 3.11 and later with a version of Gdb, the GNU command line debugger, that fully supports Ada data structures.You shouldn't have to use Gdb very often as most problems are solvable with a few well-placed put_line's. However, if the program produces are core file or is behaving unpredictably because of an obscure coding mistake or a compiler bug, Gdb is the best way to find out what is going wrong and where.
In order to use Gdb, you must compile your program with debugging support enabled (with the -g option in gnat, or -ggdb in C).
To start Gdb on a program called dbase, use
gdb dbase
(or gnatgdb with the ALT version) and Gdb responds with its command line prompt, "(gdb)". Type run to start the program normally to the point of the crash. You can print out the value of variables using the print command:
(gdb) print ch
This will print the character in the variable named ch at the time when the program was stopped.
To look at a core file produced by a segmentation fault, use
gdb dbase core
You can examine the variables at the time the program crashed.
Gdb contains many other commands. You can get online help at any time with the help command.
GNAT has a hidden -gnatdg flag. If you compile your
program using this flag, you'll get extra information for
Gdb, such as making all temporary variables used by gnat visible to
the debugger.
There are several pragmas for disabling certain language features. These restriction pragmas can be used to enforce a certain policy and warn a programmer when the policy is violated. For example, if you are writing a real-time program, you may want to disable Ada features that do not have a known response time so that your program will not have random delays.
The restriction pragmas include:
no_run_time also enforces restrictions because the Ada run-time library is not available.
More information on the usage of these pragmas is available in the Gnat documentation.
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