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Compiling the Parser File

Here is how to compile and run the parser file:

# List files in current directory.
% ls
rpcalc.tab.c  rpcalc.y

# Compile the Bison parser.
# `-lm' tells compiler to search math library for pow.
% cc rpcalc.tab.c -lm -o rpcalc

# List files again.
% ls
rpcalc  rpcalc.tab.c  rpcalc.y

The file `rpcalc' now contains the executable code. Here is an example session using rpcalc.

% rpcalc
4 9 +
3 7 + 3 4 5 *+-
3 7 + 3 4 5 * + - n              Note the unary minus, `n'
5 6 / 4 n +
3 4 ^                            Exponentiation
^D                               End-of-file indicator

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