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Token Type Names

The basic way to declare a token type name (terminal symbol) is as follows:

%token name

Bison will convert this into a #define directive in the parser, so that the function yylex (if it is in this file) can use the name name to stand for this token type's code.

Alternatively, you can use %left, %right, or %nonassoc instead of %token, if you wish to specify precedence. See section Operator Precedence.

You can explicitly specify the numeric code for a token type by appending an integer value in the field immediately following the token name:

%token NUM 300

It is generally best, however, to let Bison choose the numeric codes for all token types. Bison will automatically select codes that don't conflict with each other or with ASCII characters.

In the event that the stack type is a union, you must augment the %token or other token declaration to include the data type alternative delimited by angle-brackets (see section More Than One Value Type).

For example:

%union {              /* define stack type */
  double val;
  symrec *tptr;
%token <val> NUM      /* define token NUM and its type */

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