@inproceedings{silva_agent-based_2009, address = {Los Alamitos, {CA,} {USA}}, title = {{Agent-Based} Electronic Market With {Ontology-Services}}, volume = {0}, isbn = {978-0-7695-3842-6}, doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/ICEBE.2009.17}, abstract = {This paper proposes a semantic information integration approach for agent-based electronic markets based on ontology-based technology, improved by the application and exploitation of the trust relationships captured by the social networks. We intent face the problem of the growth of ecommerce using software agents to support both customers and suppliers in buying and selling products. The diversity of the involved actors leads to different conceptualizations of the needs and capabilities, giving rise to semantic incompatibilities between them. It is hard to find two agents using precisely the same vocabulary. They usually have a heterogeneous private vocabulary defined in their own private ontology. In order to provide help in the conversation among different agents, we are proposing what we call ontology-services to facilitate agents’ interoperability. More specifically, this work proposes an ontology-based information integration approach, exploiting the ontology mapping paradigm, by aligning consumer needs and the market capacities, in a semi-automatic mode, improved by the application and exploitation of the trust relationships captured by the social networks.}, booktitle = {{E-Business} Engineering, {IEEE} International Conference on}, publisher = {{IEEE} Computer Society}, author = {Nuno Silva and Maria João Viamonte and Paulo Maio}, year = {2009}, keywords = {agent-based electronic markets, ontology mapping, ontology mapping negotiation, social networks}, pages = {51--58}, annote = {Complete {PDF} document was either not available or accessible. Please make sure you're logged in to the digital library to retrieve the complete {PDF} document.} }