@inproceedings{maio_eaf-based_2011, address = {Taipei, Taiwan}, title = {{EAF-based} Negotiation Process}, abstract = {Agents participating in a negotiation dialogue may use argumentation to support their position, hence achieving a better agreement. The Extensible Argumentation Framework {(EAF)} provides modularity and extensibility features that facilitates its adoption by agents in {MAS.} In order to emphasize the {EAF} potential and applicability, this paper proposes an argument-based negotiation process grounded on the {EAF} adoption.}, booktitle = {The 4th International Workshop on Agent-based Complex Automated Negotiation {(ACAN)} at {AAMAS}}, author = {Paulo Maio and Nuno Silva and Jos\'{e} Cardoso}, month = may, year = {2011} }