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osg::LineSegment Member List

This is the complete list of members for osg::LineSegment, including all inherited members.
_eosg::LineSegment [protected]
_refCountosg::Referenced [mutable, protected]
_refMutexosg::Referenced [mutable, protected]
_sosg::LineSegment [protected]
end()osg::LineSegment [inline]
end() const osg::LineSegment [inline]
getDeleteHandler()osg::Referenced [static]
getThreadSafeReferenceCounting()osg::Referenced [static]
getThreadSafeRefUnref() const osg::Referenced [inline]
intersect(const BoundingBox &bb) const osg::LineSegment
intersect(const BoundingBox &bb, float &r1, float &r2) const osg::LineSegment
intersect(const BoundingSphere &bs) const osg::LineSegment
intersect(const BoundingSphere &bs, float &r1, float &r2) const osg::LineSegment
intersect(const Vec3 &v1, const Vec3 &v2, const Vec3 &v3, float &r)osg::LineSegment
intersectAndClip(Vec3 &s, Vec3 &e, const BoundingBox &bb)osg::LineSegment [protected, static]
LineSegment()osg::LineSegment [inline]
LineSegment(const LineSegment &seg)osg::LineSegment [inline]
LineSegment(const Vec3 &s, const Vec3 &e)osg::LineSegment [inline]
mult(const LineSegment &seg, const Matrix &m)osg::LineSegment [inline]
mult(const Matrix &m, const LineSegment &seg)osg::LineSegment [inline]
operator=(const LineSegment &seg)osg::LineSegment [inline]
osg::Referenced::operator=(const Referenced &)osg::Referenced [inline]
ref() const osg::Referenced [inline]
referenceCount() const osg::Referenced [inline]
Referenced(const Referenced &)osg::Referenced
set(const Vec3 &s, const Vec3 &e)osg::LineSegment [inline]
setDeleteHandler(DeleteHandler *handler)osg::Referenced [static]
setThreadSafeReferenceCounting(bool enableThreadSafeReferenceCounting)osg::Referenced [static]
setThreadSafeRefUnref(bool threadSafe)osg::Referenced
start()osg::LineSegment [inline]
start() const osg::LineSegment [inline]
unref() const osg::Referenced [inline]
unref_nodelete() const osg::Referenced
valid() const osg::LineSegment [inline]
~LineSegment()osg::LineSegment [protected, virtual]
~Referenced()osg::Referenced [protected, virtual]

Generated at Thu Nov 24 16:23:13 2005 for the OpenSceneGraph by doxygen 1.3.6.