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OpenSceneGraph Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
osgIntrospection::AbstractObjectReflector< T >This reflector is to be used to describe abstract types that can't be instantiated
osgParticle::AccelOperatorAn operator class that applies a constant acceleration to the particles
osg::AlphaFuncEncapsulates OpenGL glAlphaFunc
osgParticle::AngularAccelOperatorAn operator class that applies a constant angular acceleration to the particles
osg::AnimationPathAnimationPath encapsulates a time varying transformation pathway
osgFX::AnisotropicLightingThis single-pass effect implements a sort of anisotropic lighting that replaces the standard OpenGL lighting model
osgDB::ArchiveBase class for implementing database Archives
osgIntrospection::AtomicValueReflector< T >This reflector is a ValueReflector that should be used to define types that can be read and written from/to streams using the << and >> operators
osg::AutoTransformAutoTransform is a derived form of Transform that automatically scales or rotates to keep its children aligned with screen coordinates
osg::BarrierOperationBarrierOperation allows one to syncronize multiple GraphicsThreads with each other
osgUtil::BaseOptimizerVisitorHelper base class for implementing Optimizer techniques
BaseTypeConverters< x, reflected_type, polymorphic >
BaseTypeConverters< x, reflected_type, true >
osgDB::basic_type_wrapperBasic structure for custom runtime inheritance checking
osg::BillboardBillboard is a derived form of Geode that orients its osg::Drawable children to face the eye point
osg::BlendColorEncapsulates OpenGL blend/transparency state
osg::BlendColor::ExtensionsEncapsulates queries of extension availability, obtains extension function pointers, and provides convinience wrappers for calling extension functions
osg::BlendEquationEncapsulates OpenGL BlendEquation state
osg::BlendEquation::ExtensionsEncapsulates queries of extension availability, obtains extension function pointers, and provides convinience wrappers for calling extension functions
osg::BlendFuncEncapsulates OpenGL blend/transparency state
osg::BoundingBoxGeneral purpose axis-aligned bounding box class for enclosing objects/vertices
osg::BoundingSphereGeneral purpose bounding sphere class for enclosing nodes/objects/vertices
osg::buffered_object< T >
osg::buffered_value< T >Implements a simple buffered value for values that need to be buffered on a per graphics context basis
osg::BufferObject::ExtensionsExtensions class which encapsulates the querying of extensions and associated function pointers, and provide convenience wrappers to check for the extensions or use the associated functions
osgFX::BumpMappingThis effect makes surfaces appear bumpy
osg::CameraNodeCameraNode - is a subclass of Transform which represents encapsulates the settings of a Camera
osg::CameraNode::DrawCallbackDraw callback for custom operations
osg::CameraViewCameraView - is a Transform that is used to specify camera views from within the scene graph
osgFX::CartoonThis effect implements a technique called 'Cel-Shading' to produce a cartoon-style (non photorealistic) rendering
osgParticle::CenteredPlacerAn abstract placer base class for placers which need a center point
osg::ClearNodeA Group node for clearing the color and depth buffers
osg::ClipNodeNode for defining the position of ClipPlanes in the scene
osg::ClipPlaneEncapsulates OpenGL glClipPlane()
osg::ClusterCullingCallbackImplements cluster culling to cull back facing drawables
osg::ColorMaskEncapsulates OpenGL glColorMaskFunc/Op/Mask functions
osg::ColorMatrixEncapsulates OpenGL color matrix functionality
osgSim::ColorRangeColorRange is a ScalarsToColors object to define a color spectrum for a scalar range
osgGA::CompositeGUIEventHandlerCompositeGUIEventHandler allows GUIEventHandlers to be composed into hierarchies
osgParticle::ConnectedParticleSystemConnectConnectedParticleSystem is a specialise ConnectedParticleSystem for effects like missle trails, where the individual particles are rendered as single ribbon
osg::ConvexPlanarOccluderA class for representing convex clipping volumes made up of several ConvexPlanarPolygon
osg::ConvexPlanarPolygonA class for representing components of convex clipping volumes
osg::CoordinateSystemNodeCoordinateSystem encapsulate the coordinate system that is associated with objects in a scene
osg::CopyOpCopy Op(erator) used to control whether shallow or deep copy is used during copy construction and clone operation
osgUtil::CubeMapGeneratorThis is the base class for cube map generators
osg::CullFaceClass to globally enable/disable OpenGL's polygon culling mode
osg::CullingSetA CullingSet class which contains a frustum and a list of occluders
osg::CullSettings::ClampProjectionMatrixCallbackCallback for overriding the CullVisitor's default clamping of the projection matrix to computed near and far values
osg::CullStackA CullStack class which accumulates the current project, modelview matrices and the CullingSet
osgUtil::CullVisitorBasic NodeVisitor implementation for rendering a scene
osgIntrospection::CustomAttributeThe base class for custom attributes
osgIntrospection::CustomAttributeProviderThis is the base class for custom attribute providers, that is objects that can be assigned a list of custom attributes
osgIntrospection::CustomIndexAttributeBy default each index in an indexed property is assumed to be an enumeration
osgIntrospection::CustomPropertyAddAttributeBy setting an attribute of this class you can specify a custom object that will be used to add a new item to an array property
osgIntrospection::CustomPropertyCountAttributeBy setting an attribute of this class you can specify a custom object that will be used to count the number of items in an array property
osgIntrospection::CustomPropertyGetAttributeBy setting an attribute of this class you can specify a custom object that will be used to retrieve the value of a property instead of the default getter method
osgIntrospection::CustomPropertyRemoveAttributeBy setting an attribute of this class you can specify a custom object that will be used to remove an item from an array property
osgIntrospection::CustomPropertySetAttributeBy setting an attribute of this class you can specify a custom object that will be used to set the value of a property instead of the default setter method
osgDB::DatabasePagerDatabase paging class which manages the loading of files in a background thread, and syncronizing of loaded models with the main scene graph
osgTerrain::DataSet::CompositeSource::base_source_iterator< T >
osgIntrospection::DefaultValueAttributeBy adding this attribute to a PropertyInfo you specify a custom default value for that property
osgUtil::DelaunayConstraintDelaunayTriangulator: Utility class that triangulates an irregular network of sample points
osg::DeleteHandlerClass for override the default delete behavior so that users can implment their own object deletion schemes
osg::DepthEncapsulate OpenGL glDepthFunc/Mask/Range functions
osgUtil::DisplayRequirementsVisitorA visitor for traversing a scene graph establishing which OpenGL visuals are required to support rendering of that scene graph
osg::DisplaySettingsDisplaySettings class for encapsulating what visuals are required and have been set up, and the status of stereo viewing
osgSim::DOFTransformDOFTransform - encapsulates Multigen DOF behavior
osgDB::DotOsgWrapperWrapper class for specifying read and write functions for extending the .osg file format
osg::DrawablePure virtual base class for drawable geometry
osg::Drawable::ComputeBoundingBoxCallbackCallback to allow users to override the default computation of bounding volume
osg::Drawable::DrawCallbackCallback attached to an Drawable which allows the users to customize the drawing of an exist Drawable object
osg::Drawable::ExtensionsExtensions class which encapsulates the querying of extensions and associated function pointers, and provide convenience wrappers to check for the extensions or use the associated functions
osg::DrawPixelsDrawPixels is an osg::Drawable subclass which encapsulates the drawing of images using glDrawPixels
osgGA::DriveManipulatorDriveManipulator is a camera manipulator which provides drive-like functionality
osgIntrospection::DummyInstanceCreator< T >
osgIntrospection::DynamicConverter< S, D >
osgDB::DynamicLibraryDynamicLibrary - encapsulates the loading and unloading of dynamic libraries, typically used for loading ReaderWriter plug-ins
osgFX::EffectThe base class for special effects
osg::EllipsoidModelEllipsoidModel encapsulates the ellipsoid used to model astronomical bodies, such as sun, planets, moon etc
osgParticle::EmitterAn abstract base class for particle emitters
osgIntrospection::EnumReaderWriter< T >This ReaderWriter can be used to read and write enumeration values
osgIntrospection::EnumReflector< T >This reflector is a ValueReflector that should be used to define enumerations
osgProducer::EventAdapterClass for adapting Producer events so that they can be used as input to osgGA::CameraManipulators
osgGA::EventVisitorBasic EventVisitor implementation for animating a scene
osg::fast_back_stack< T >Simple stack implementation that keeps the back() cached locally for fast access rather than at the back of the vector which is the traditional stack implementation
osgGA::FlightManipulatorFlightManipulator is a MatrixManipulator which provides flight simulator-like updating of the camera position & orientation
osgParticle::FluidFrictionOperatorAn operator that simulates the friction of a fluid
osgParticle::FluidProgramA program class for performing operations on particles using a sequence of operators
osg::FogFog - encapsulates OpenGL fog state
osgText::FontPure virtual base class for fonts
osgParticle::ForceOperatorAn operator that applies a constant force to the particles
osg::FragmentProgramFragmentProgram - encapsulates the OpenGL ARB fragment program state
osg::FragmentProgram::ExtensionsExtensions class which encapsulates the querying of extensions and associated function pointers, and provide convenience wrappers to check for the extensions or use the associated functions
osg::FrameStampClass which encapsulates the frame number, reference time and calendar time of specific frame, used to synchonize operations on the scene graph and other machines when using a graphics cluster
osg::FrontFaceClass to specify the orientation of front-facing polygons
osg::GeodeA Geode is a "geometry node", that is, a leaf node on the scene graph that can have "renderable things" attached to it
osgSim::GeographicLocationStores a double precision geographic location, latitude and longitude
osgUtil::GLObjectsVisitorVisitor for traversing scene graph and setting each osg::Drawable's _useDisplayList flag, with option to immediately compile osg::Drawable OpenGL Display lists and osg::StateAttribute's
osg::GraphicsContextBase class for providing Windowing API agnostic access to creating and managing graphics context
osg::GraphicsContext::CreateGraphicContextCallbackCallback to be implemented to provide access to Windowing API's ability to create Windows/pbuffers
osg::GraphicsContext::TraitsGraphicsContext Traits object provides the specification of what type of graphics context is required
osg::GraphicsThreadGraphicsThread is a helper class for running OpenGL GraphicsOperation within a single thread assigned to a specific GraphicsContext
osg::GraphicsThread::OperationBase class for implementing GraphicsThread operations
osg::GroupGeneral group node which maintains a list of children
osgGA::GUIActionAdapterAbstract base class defining the interface by which GUIEventHandlers may request actions of the GUI system in use
osgGA::GUIEventAdapterPure virtual base class for adapting platform specific events into generic keyboard and mouse events
osgGA::GUIEventHandlerGUIEventHandler provides a basic interface for any class which wants to handle a GUI Events
osgGA::GUIEventHandlerVisitorBase class for visiting GUIEventHandlers
osgUtil::HalfWayMapGeneratorThis cube map generator produces an Half-way vector map, useful for hardware-based specular lighting effects
osgTerrain::HeightFieldNodeTerrain provides a framework for loosly coupling height field data with height rendering algorithms
osgUtil::HighlightMapGeneratorThis cube map generator produces a specular highlight map
osg::ImageImage class for encapsulating the storage texture image data
osgDB::ImageOptions::PixelWindowPixelWindow stores the window (in exact pixels) from the overall imagery from which to extract the osg::Image
osgDB::ImageOptions::RatioWindowRatioWindow stores the window (as ratios of 0.0 to 1.0) from the overall imagery from which to extract the osg::Image
osgDB::ImageOptions::TexCoordRangeUsed as UserData attached to generated osg::Image's
osg::ImageStreamImage Stream class
osgSim::ImpostorImpostor - is a form of Level Of Detail group node which allows both switching between children depending on distance from eye point and image caching
osgSim::ImpostorSpriteAn ImposterSprite is a textured quad which is rendered in place of 3D geometry
osgSim::ImpostorSpriteManagerHelper class for managing the reuse of ImpostorSprite resources
osgIntrospection::IndexInfoThis struct allows customization of an indexed property's index set
osgIntrospection::IndexTypeAttributeAttribute for overriding the type of an index (of an indexed property) with a custom type
osgDB::InputClass for managing the reading of ASCII .osg files
osgSim::InsertImpostorsVisitorInsert impostor nodes into scene graph
osgParticle::InterpolatorAn abstract base class for implementing interpolators
osgUtil::IntersectVisitorBasic visitor for ray based collisions of a scene
osgIntrospection::is_polymorphic< T >Compile-time polymorphism detector
osgIntrospection::is_polymorphic< T >::dummy1
osgIntrospection::is_polymorphic< T >::dummy2
osgGA::KeySwitchMatrixManipulatorKeySwitchMatrixManipulator is a decorator which allows the type of camera manipulator being used to be switched by pressing a key
osg::LightLight state class which encapsulates OpenGL glLight() functionality
osg::LightSourceLeaf Node for defining a light in the scene
osgParticle::LinearInterpolatorA linear interpolator
osg::LineSegmentLineSegment class for representing a line segment
osg::LineWidthLineWidth - encapsulates the OpenGL glLineWidth for setting the width of lines in pixels
osg::LODLOD - Level Of Detail group node which allows switching between children depending on distance from eye point
osg::LogicOpEncapsulates OpenGL LogicOp state
osg::MaterialMaterial - encapsulates OpenGL glMaterial state
osgGA::MatrixManipulatorMatrixManipulator is an abstract base class defining the interface, and a certain amount of default functionality, for classes which wish to control OSG cameras in response to GUI events
osgGA::MatrixManipulator::CoordinateFrameCallbackCallback class to use to allow matrix manipulators to querry the application for the local coordinate frame
osg::MatrixTransformMatrixTransform - is a subclass of Transform which has an osg::Matrix which represents a 4x4 transformation of its children from local coordinates into the Transform's parent coordinates
osgIntrospection::MethodInfoClass MethodInfo stores information about a class method
osgParticle::ModularEmitterAn emitter class that holds three objects to control the creation of particles
osgParticle::ModularProgramA program class for performing operations on particles using a sequence of operators
osg::MultisampleMultisample - encapsulates the OpenGL Multisample state
osg::Multisample::ExtensionsExtensions class which encapsulates the querying of extensions and associated function pointers, and provide convenience wrappers to check for the extensions or use the associated functions
osgParticle::MultiSegmentPlacerA polyline-shaped particle placer
osgSim::MultiSwitchMultiSwitch is a Group node which allows switching between sets of selected children
osgFX::MultiTextureControlThis node provides control over the which texture units are active and the blending weighting between them
osg::NodeBase class for all internal nodes in the scene graph
osg::Node::ComputeBoundingSphereCallbackCallback to allow users to override the default computation of bounding volume
osg::NodeAcceptOpConvenience functor for assisting visiting of arrays of osg::Node's
osgIntrospection::NoDefaultValueAttributeBy adding this attribute to a PropertyInfo you specify that there is no default value for that property
osg::NodeVisitorVisitor for type safe operations on osg::Nodes
osg::NodeVisitor::DatabaseRequestHandlerCallback for managing database paging, such as generated by PagedLOD nodes
osg::ObjectBase class/standard interface for objects which require IO support, cloning and reference counting
osgIntrospection::ObjectInstanceCreator< T >The ObjectInstanceCreator struct template is a collection of static methods that provide the means for creating instances of object types dynamically
osgIntrospection::ObjectReflector< T >This reflector is to be used to describe types that ought to be created on the heap
osg::OccluderNodeOccluderNode is a Group node which allows OccluderNodeing between children
osgParticle::OperatorAn abstract base class used by ModularProgram to perform operations on particles before they are updated
osgUtil::OptimizerTraverses scene graph to improve efficiency
osgUtil::Optimizer::CombineLODsVisitorOptimize the LOD groups, by combining adjacent LOD's which have complementary ranges
osgUtil::Optimizer::CombineStaticTransformsVisitorCombine Static Transform nodes that sit above one another
osgUtil::Optimizer::CopySharedSubgraphsVisitorCopy any shared subgraphs, enabling flattening of static transforms
osgUtil::Optimizer::FlattenStaticTransformsVisitorFlatten Static Transform nodes by applying their transform to the geometry on the leaves of the scene graph, then removing the now redundant transforms
osgUtil::Optimizer::IsOperationPermissibleForObjectCallbackCallback for customizing what operations are permitted on objects in the scene graph
osgUtil::Optimizer::RemoveEmptyNodesVisitorRemove rendundant nodes, such as groups with one single child
osgUtil::Optimizer::RemoveLoadedProxyNodesVisitorRemove loaded proxy nodes
osgUtil::Optimizer::RemoveRedundantNodesVisitorRemove redundant nodes, such as groups with one single child
osgUtil::Optimizer::SpatializeGroupsVisitorSpatialize scene into a balanced quad/oct tree
osgUtil::Optimizer::StateVisitorOptimize State in the scene graph by removing duplicate state, replacing it with shared instances, both for StateAttributes, and whole StateSets
osgUtil::Optimizer::TesselateVisitorTesselate all geodes, to remove POLYGONS
osgUtil::Optimizer::TextureVisitorFor all textures apply settings
osgProducer::OsgCameraGroup::RealizeCallbackRealizeCallback class one should override to provide an the implemention of realize callbacks
osgDB::OutputOfstream wrapper class for adding support for indenting
osgSim::OverlayNodeOverlayNode is for creating texture overlays on scenes, with the overlay texture being generated by pre rendering an Overlay Subgraph to a texture, then projecting this resulting texture on the scene
osgIntrospection::ParameterInfoThis class stores information about a function parameter
osgIntrospection::PartialOrderComparator< T >
osgParticle::ParticleImplementation of a particle
osgParticle::ParticleProcessorA common base interface for those classes which need to do something on particles
osgParticle::ParticleSystemThe heart of this class library; its purpose is to hold a set of particles and manage particle creation, update, rendering and destruction
osgParticle::ParticleSystemUpdaterA useful node class for updating particle systems automatically
osgParticle::PlacerAn abstract base class for implementing particle placers
osg::PlaneA plane class
osg::PointPoint - encapsulates the OpenGL point smoothing and size state
osg::Point::ExtensionsEncapsulates queries of extension availability, obtains extension function pointers, and provides convinience wrappers for calling extension functions
osgParticle::PointPlacerA point-shaped particle placer
osg::PointSpritePointSprite base class which encapsulates enabling of point sprites
osg::PolygonModeState Class for setting OpenGL's polygon culling mode
osg::PolygonOffsetPolygonOffset - encapsulates the OpenGL glPolygonOffset state
osg::PolytopeA Polytope class for representing convex clipping volumes made up of a set of planes
osgUtil::PositionalStateContainerPositionalStateContainer base class
osg::PositionAttitudeTransformPositionAttitudeTransform - is a Transform
osgParticle::ProgramAn abstract ParticleProcessor descendant for modifying particles "on the fly" during the cull traversal
osg::ProgramOsg::Program is an application-level abstraction of an OpenGL glProgram
osg::Program::PerContextProgramPerContextProgram (PCP) is an OSG-internal encapsulation of glPrograms per-GL context
osg::ProjectionProjection nodes set up the frustum/orthographic projection used when rendering the scene
osgIntrospection::PropertyAdderBase struct for custom array property adders
osgIntrospection::PropertyCounterBase struct for custom array property counters
osgIntrospection::PropertyGetterBase struct for custom property getters
osgIntrospection::PropertyInfoThis class keeps information about a class' property
osgIntrospection::PropertyRemoverBase struct for custom array property removers
osgIntrospection::PropertySetterBase struct for custom property setters
osgIntrospection::PropertyTypeAttributeAttribute for overriding the type of a property with a custom type
osgIntrospection::PtrReaderWriter< T >This is a ReaderWriter class that can be used to read and write pointer values
osgUtx::QualifiedTestPrinterQualifiedTestPrinter prints to standard output a list of fully qualified tests
osg::QuatA quaternion class
osgParticle::RadialShooterA shooter class that shoots particles radially
osgParticle::range< ValueType >A simple struct template useful to store ranges of values as min/max pairs
osgIntrospection::ReaderWriterThis is the base class for reader/writer objects
osgDB::ReaderWriterPure virtual base class for reading and writing of non native formats
osgDB::ReaderWriter::OptionsOptions base class used for passing options into plugins to control their operation
osg::ref_ptr< T >Smart pointer for handling referenced counted objects
osg::ReferencedBase class from providing referencing counted objects
osgIntrospection::ReflectionThis class provides basic reflection services such as registration of new types and queries on the global type map
osgUtil::ReflectionMapGeneratorThis is the most simple cube map generator
osgIntrospection::Reflector< T >A Reflector is a proxy class that is used to create a new description of a given type
osgDB::RegisterDotOsgWrapperProxyProxy class for automatic registration of DotOsgWrappers with the Registry
osgDB::RegisterReaderWriterProxy< T >Proxy class for automatic registration of reader/writers with the Registry
osgUtil::RegisterRenderBinProxyProxy class for automatic registration of renderbins with the RenderBin prototypelist
osgDB::RegistryRegistry is a singleton factory which stores the reader/writers which are linked in at runtime for reading non-native file formats
osgDB::Registry::ReadFunctorFunctor used in internal implementations
osgIntrospection::ReinterpretConverter< S, D >
osg::ReleaseContext_Block_MakeCurrentOperationReleaseContext_Block_MakeCurrentOperation releases the context for another thread to aquire, then blocks waiting for context to be released, once the block is release the context is re-aqquired
osgUtil::RenderBinRenderBin base class
osgUtil::RenderLeafContainer class for all data required for rendering of drawables
osgUtil::RenderStageRenderStage base class
osgSim::ScalarBarA ScalarBar is an osg::Geode to render a colored bar representing a range of scalars
osgSim::ScalarBar::ScalarPrinterUsers may provide their own ScalarPrinter by deriving from this base class and overriding the printScalar() method
osgSim::ScalarBar::TextPropertiesTextProperties allows users to specify a number of properties for the text used to display the labels & title on the ScalarBar
osgSim::ScalarsToColorsScalarsToColors defines the interface to map a scalar value to a color, and provides a default implementation of the mapping functionaltity, with colors ranging from black to white across the min - max scalar range
osgUtil::SceneViewSceneView is literally a view of a scene, encapsulating the 'camera' (not to be confused with Producer::Camera) (modelview+projection matrices), global state, lights and the scene itself
osgUtil::SceneView::ComputeStereoMatricesCallbackCallback for overidding the default method for compute the offset projection and view matrices
osg::ScissorEncapsulate OpenGL glScissor
osgFX::ScribeThis is a two-passes effect; the first pass renders the subgraph as usual while the second pass switches to wireframe mode, sets up lighting and material to obtain a fixed (user-defined) color and then renders the subgraph
osgParticle::SectorPlacerA sector-shaped particle placer
osgParticle::SegmentPlacerA segment-shaped particle placer
osg::SequenceSequence is a Group node which allows automatic, time based switching between children
osgSim::SequenceGroupSequence group which can be used to synchronize related blink sequences
osgGA::SetSceneViewVisitorSetSceneViewGUIEventHandlerVisitor which visits various types of GUIEventHandler and sets them up appropriately, given a new scene view
osg::ShadeModelClass which encapsulates glShadeModel(..)
osg::ShaderOsg::Shader is an application-level abstraction of an OpenGL glShader
osg::Shader::PerContextShaderPerContextShader (PCS) is an OSG-internal encapsulation of glShader per-GL context
osg::ShadowVolumeOccluderShadowVolumeOccluder is a helper class for implementating shadow occlusion culling
osg::ShapeBase class for all shape types
osg::ShapeDrawableAllow the use of Shapes as Drawables, so that they can be rendered with reduced effort
osgParticle::ShooterAn abstract base class used by ModularEmitter to "shoot" the particles after they have been placed
osgUtil::SimplifierA simplifier for reducing the number of traingles in osg::Geometry
osgUtil::SmoothingVisitorA smoothing visitor for calculating smoothed normals for osg::GeoSet's which contains surface primitives
osgFX::SpecularHighlightsThis effect applies additive specular highlights at fragment level (instead of OpenGL's vertex-level lighting) by using a cube map and reflective texgen
osgSim::SphereSegmentA SphereSegment is a Geode to represent an portion of a sphere (potentially the whole sphere)
osg::StateEncapsulates the current applied OpenGL modes, attributes and vertex arrays settings,
osg::StateAttributeBase class for state attributes
osgUtil::StateGraphStateGraph - contained in a renderBin, defines the scene to be drawn
osg::StateSetStores a set of modes and attributes which respresent a set of OpenGL state
osgGA::StateSetManipulatorExperimental class, not been looked at for a while, but which will be returned to at some point :-\
osgIntrospection::StaticConverter< S, D >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo0< C, R >Class templates StaticMethodInfoN (where 0 <= N <= 16) are concrete implementations of MethodInfo
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo0< C, void >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo1< C, R, P0 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo10< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo10< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo11< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo11< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo12< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo12< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo13< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo13< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo14< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo14< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo15< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo15< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo16< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo16< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo1< C, void, P0 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo2< C, R, P0, P1 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo2< C, void, P0, P1 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo3< C, R, P0, P1, P2 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo3< C, void, P0, P1, P2 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo4< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo4< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo5< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo5< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo6< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo6< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo7< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo7< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo8< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo8< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo9< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 >
osgIntrospection::StaticMethodInfo9< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 >
osgUtil::StatisticsStatistics base class
osgIntrospection::StdListReflector< T, VT >This class allows to define the means for reflecting STL containers that cannot be indexed directly, such as std::list
osgIntrospection::StdListReflector< T, VT >::Adder
osgIntrospection::StdListReflector< T, VT >::Counter
osgIntrospection::StdListReflector< T, VT >::Getter
osgIntrospection::StdListReflector< T, VT >::Remover
osgIntrospection::StdListReflector< T, VT >::Setter
osgIntrospection::StdMapReflector< T, IT, VT >This class allows to define the means for reflecting STL associative containers which hold pairs of key+value, such as std::map
osgIntrospection::StdMapReflector< T, IT, VT >::Getter
osgIntrospection::StdMapReflector< T, IT, VT >::Indexer
osgIntrospection::StdMapReflector< T, IT, VT >::Setter
osgIntrospection::StdPairReflector< T, PT1, PT2 >
osgIntrospection::StdPairReflector< T, PT1, PT2 >::Accessor
osgIntrospection::StdReaderWriter< T >This class template provides basic default streaming capabilities for all types that define streaming operators (<< and >>)
osgIntrospection::StdSetReflector< T, VT >This class allows to define the means for reflecting STL containers such as std::set and std::multiset
osgIntrospection::StdSetReflector< T, VT >::Adder
osgIntrospection::StdSetReflector< T, VT >::Counter
osgIntrospection::StdSetReflector< T, VT >::Getter
osgIntrospection::StdSetReflector< T, VT >::Remover
osgIntrospection::StdVectorReflector< T, VT >This class allows to define the means for reflecting STL containers such as std::deque and std::vector
osgIntrospection::StdVectorReflector< T, VT >::Adder
osgIntrospection::StdVectorReflector< T, VT >::Counter
osgIntrospection::StdVectorReflector< T, VT >::Getter
osgIntrospection::StdVectorReflector< T, VT >::Remover
osgIntrospection::StdVectorReflector< T, VT >::Setter
osg::StencilEncapsulate OpenGL glStencilFunc/Op/Mask functions
osg::SwapBuffersOperationSwapBufferOperation calls swap buffers on the GraphicsContext
osg::SwitchSwitch is a Group node that allows switching between children
osgUtil::TangentSpaceGeneratorThe TangentSpaceGenerator class generates three arrays containing tangent-space basis vectors
osgFX::TechniqueThis is the base class for effect techniques
osg::TemplateArray< T, ARRAYTYPE, DataSize, DataType >
osg::TemplateIndexArray< T, ARRAYTYPE, DataSize, DataType >
osgUtil::TesselatorOriginally a simple class for tessellating a single polygon boundary
osg::TessellationHintsDescribe several hints that can be passed to a tesselator (like the one used by ShapeDrawable) as a mean to try to influence the way it works
osgUtx::TestTest, an abstract base class, is the Composite pattern's component class for our graph of test cases, and defines the basic interface for all Test components
osgUtx::TestCaseTestCase, supplies the interface for a Composite pattern's leaf class, though it is not a leaf in itself
osgUtx::TestCase_< FixtureT >TestCase_ is a class template for a leaf TestCase, which allows TestFixture classes to be easily collected into the tree of tests, and have their public test methods called
osgUtx::TestContextTestContext wraps up information which is passed to tests as they are run, and may contain test-specific information or 'global' test objects, such as an output stream for verbose output during the running of tests
osgUtx::TestErrorXA TestErrorX indicates an error while testing a component, which prevents the test from being run
osgUtx::TestFailureXA TestFailureX indicates a failure in the tested component
osgUtx::TestGraphTestGraph is a singleton providing central access to the tree of tests; primarily, it provides access to the root suite
osgUtx::TestQualifierMaintains a string that when accessed in the "visit" member, returns the current qualified TestSuite path
osgUtx::TestRecordA TestRecord records the output of a given test case, i.e
osgUtx::TestReportA TestReport represents the complete set of results (TestRecords) for a given test run
osgUtx::TestRunnerA TestRunner is a visitor which will run specified tests as it traverses the test graph
osgUtx::TestSuiteA TestSuite is the composite component of the Composite pattern, and allows aggregation of Tests into hierarchies
osgUtx::TestSuiteAutoRegistrationAgentA helper struct to perform automatic registration at program startup; not for direct use, it should be used via the following macros
osgUtx::TestVisitorVisits while maintaining the current hierarchical context
osgUtx::TestXBase class catchable for the exceptions which may be thrown to indicate problems during the run of a TestCase
osg::TexEnvTexEnv encapsulates the OpenGL glTexEnv (texture environment) state
osg::TexEnvCombineTexEnvCombine encapsulates the OpenGL glTexEnvCombine (texture environment) state
osg::TexEnvFilterTexEnvFilter - encapsulates the OpenGL glTexEnv (GL_TEXTURE_FILTER_CONTROL) state
osg::TexGenTexGen encapsulates the OpenGL glTexGen (texture coordinate generation) state
osg::TexGenNodeNode for defining the position of TexGen in the scene
osg::TexMatA texture matrix state class that encapsulates OpenGL texture matrix functionality
osg::TextureTexture pure virtual base class that encapsulates OpenGl texture functionality common to the various types of OSG textures
osg::Texture1DEncapsulates OpenGl 1D texture functionality
osg::Texture2DEncapsulates OpenGl 2D texture functionality
osg::Texture3DEncapsulates OpenGl 2D texture functionality
osg::Texture3D::ExtensionsEncapsulates queries of extension availability, obtains extension function pointers, and provides convinience wrappers for calling extension functions
osg::Texture::ExtensionsEncapsulates queries of extension availability, obtains extension function pointers, and provides convinience wrappers for calling extension functions
osg::TextureCubeMapTextureCubeMap state class which encapsulates OpenGL texture cubemap functionality
osg::TextureCubeMap::ExtensionsExtensions class which encapsulates the querying of extensions and associated function pointers, and provides convinience wrappers to check for the extensions or use the associated functions
osg::TextureRectangleTexture state class which encapsulates OpenGL texture functionality
osg::TimerTime stamper
osgIntrospection::TotalOrderComparator< T >
osg::TransformA Transform is a group node for which all children are transformed by a 4x4 matrix
osgUtil::TransformAttributeFunctorFunctor for transforming a drawable's vertex and normal attributes by specified matrix
osgUtil::TransformCallbackTransformCallback is now deprecated, use osg::AnimationPathCallback instead
osg::TriangleFunctor< T >
osg::TriangleIndexFunctor< T >
osgUtil::TriStripVisitorA tri stripping visitor for converting Geometry surface primitives into tri strips
osgIntrospection::TypeObjects of class Type are used to maintain information about reflected types
osgDB::type_wrapper< T >Class template that checks inheritance between a given Object's class and a class defined at compile time through the template parameter T
osgIntrospection::TypedConstructorInfo0< C, IC >
osgIntrospection::TypedConstructorInfo1< C, IC, P0 >
osgIntrospection::TypedConstructorInfo10< C, IC, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9 >
osgIntrospection::TypedConstructorInfo11< C, IC, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10 >
osgIntrospection::TypedConstructorInfo12< C, IC, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11 >
osgIntrospection::TypedConstructorInfo13< C, IC, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12 >
osgIntrospection::TypedConstructorInfo14< C, IC, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13 >
osgIntrospection::TypedConstructorInfo15< C, IC, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14 >
osgIntrospection::TypedConstructorInfo16< C, IC, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15 >
osgIntrospection::TypedConstructorInfo2< C, IC, P0, P1 >
osgIntrospection::TypedConstructorInfo3< C, IC, P0, P1, P2 >
osgIntrospection::TypedConstructorInfo4< C, IC, P0, P1, P2, P3 >
osgIntrospection::TypedConstructorInfo5< C, IC, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4 >
osgIntrospection::TypedConstructorInfo6< C, IC, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 >
osgIntrospection::TypedConstructorInfo7< C, IC, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 >
osgIntrospection::TypedConstructorInfo8< C, IC, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7 >
osgIntrospection::TypedConstructorInfo9< C, IC, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo0< C, R >Class templates TypedMethodInfoN (where 0 <= N <= 16) are concrete implementations of MethodInfo
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo0< C, void >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo1< C, R, P0 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo10< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo10< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo11< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo11< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo12< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo12< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo13< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo13< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo14< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo14< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo15< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo15< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo16< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo16< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo1< C, void, P0 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo2< C, R, P0, P1 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo2< C, void, P0, P1 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo3< C, R, P0, P1, P2 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo3< C, void, P0, P1, P2 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo4< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo4< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo5< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo5< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo6< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo6< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo7< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo7< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo8< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo8< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo9< C, R, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 >
osgIntrospection::TypedMethodInfo9< C, void, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 >
osgIntrospection::TypeInfoCmpThis predicate compares two instances of std::type_info for equality
osgIntrospection::TypeNameAliasProxy< C >
osgGA::UFOManipulatorA UFO manipulator driven with keybindings
osg::UniformUniform encapsulates glUniform values
osgUtil::UpdateVisitorBasic UpdateVisitor implementation for animating a scene
osgFX::ValidatorThis class is used internally by osgFX::Effect to choose between different techniques dynamically
osgIntrospection::ValueInstanceCreator< T >
osgIntrospection::ValueReflector< T >This reflector ought to be used to describe types that can be created on the stack
osg::Vec2bGeneral purpose float triple
osg::Vec2dGeneral purpose double pair, uses include representation of texture coordinates
osg::Vec2fGeneral purpose float pair
osg::Vec3bGeneral purpose float triple
osg::Vec3dGeneral purpose double triple for use as vertices, vectors and normals
osg::Vec3fGeneral purpose float triple for use as vertices, vectors and normals
osg::Vec4bGeneral purpose float triple
osg::Vec4dGeneral purpose double quad
osg::Vec4fGeneral purpose float quad
osg::Vec4ubGeneral purpose float quad
osg::VertexProgramVertexProgram - encapsulates the OpenGL ARB vertex program state
osg::VertexProgram::ExtensionsExtensions class which encapsulates the querying of extensions and associated function pointers, and provide convenience wrappers to check for the extensions or use the associated functions
osgProducer::ViewerA Producer-based viewer
osg::ViewportEncapsulate OpenGL glViewport

Generated at Thu Nov 24 16:22:35 2005 for the OpenSceneGraph by doxygen 1.3.6.