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osg::CameraNode Class Reference

CameraNode - is a subclass of Transform which represents encapsulates the settings of a Camera. More...

Inheritance diagram for osg::CameraNode:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::map< BufferComponent,
enum  TransformOrder { PRE_MULTIPLE, POST_MULTIPLE }
enum  RenderTargetImplementation {
enum  BufferComponent {

Public Member Functions

 CameraNode ()
 CameraNode (const CameraNode &, const CopyOp &copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)
 Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy.

 META_Node (osg, CameraNode)
void setClearColor (const Vec4 &color)
 Sets the clear color.

const Vec4getClearColor () const
 Returns the clear color.

void setClearMask (GLbitfield mask)
 Set the clear mask used in glClear(..).

GLbitfield getClearMask () const
 Get the clear mask.

void setColorMask (osg::ColorMask *colorMask)
 Set the color mask of the camera to use specified osg::ColorMask.

void setColorMask (bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool alpha)
 Set the color mask of the camera to specified values.

const ColorMaskgetColorMask () const
 Get the const ColorMask.

ColorMaskgetColorMask ()
 Get the ColorMask.

void setViewport (osg::Viewport *viewport)
 Set the viewport of the camera to use specified osg::Viewport.

void setViewport (int x, int y, int width, int height)
 Set the viewport of the camera to specified dimensions.

const ViewportgetViewport () const
 Get the const viewport.

ViewportgetViewport ()
 Get the viewport.

void setTransformOrder (TransformOrder order)
TransformOrder getTransformOrder () const
void setProjectionMatrix (const osg::Matrixf &matrix)
 Set the projection matrix.

void setProjectionMatrix (const osg::Matrixd &matrix)
 Set the projection matrix.

void setProjectionMatrixAsOrtho (double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar)
 Set to an orthographic projection.

void setProjectionMatrixAsOrtho2D (double left, double right, double bottom, double top)
 Set to a 2D orthographic projection.

void setProjectionMatrixAsFrustum (double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar)
 Set to a perspective projection.

void setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective (double fovy, double aspectRatio, double zNear, double zFar)
 Create a symmetrical perspective projection, See OpenGL gluPerspective documentation for further details.

osg::MatrixdgetProjectionMatrix ()
 Get the projection matrix.

const osg::MatrixdgetProjectionMatrix () const
 Get the const projection matrix.

bool getProjectionMatrixAsOrtho (double &left, double &right, double &bottom, double &top, double &zNear, double &zFar)
 Get the othographic settings of the orthographic projection matrix.

bool getProjectionMatrixAsFrustum (double &left, double &right, double &bottom, double &top, double &zNear, double &zFar)
 Get the frustum setting of a perspective projection matrix.

bool getProjectionMatrixAsPerspective (double &fovy, double &aspectRatio, double &zNear, double &zFar)
 Get the frustum setting of a symmetric perspective projection matrix.

void setViewMatrix (const osg::Matrixf &matrix)
 Set the view matrix.

void setViewMatrix (const osg::Matrixd &matrix)
 Set the view matrix.

void setViewMatrixAsLookAt (const osg::Vec3 &eye, const osg::Vec3 &center, const osg::Vec3 &up)
 Set to the position and orientation of view matrix, using the same convention as gluLookAt.

osg::MatrixdgetViewMatrix ()
 Get the view matrix.

const osg::MatrixdgetViewMatrix () const
 Get the const view matrix.

void getViewMatrixAsLookAt (osg::Vec3 &eye, osg::Vec3 &center, osg::Vec3 &up, float lookDistance=1.0f)
 Get to the position and orientation of a modelview matrix, using the same convention as gluLookAt.

Matrixd getInverseViewMatrix () const
 Get the inverse view matrix.

void setRenderOrder (RenderOrder order)
 Set the rendering order of this camera's subgraph relative to any camera that this subgraph is nested within.

RenderOrder getRenderOrder () const
 Get the rendering order of this camera's subgraph relative to any camera that this subgraph is nested within.

void setRenderTargetImplementation (RenderTargetImplementation impl)
void setRenderTargetImplementation (RenderTargetImplementation impl, RenderTargetImplementation fallback)
RenderTargetImplementation getRenderTargetImplementation () const
RenderTargetImplementation getRenderTargetFallback () const
void setDrawBuffer (GLenum buffer)
 Set the draw buffer used at the start of each frame draw.

GLenum getDrawBuffer () const
 Get the draw buffer used at the start of each frame draw.

void setReadBuffer (GLenum buffer)
 Set the read buffer for any required copy operations to use.

GLenum getReadBuffer () const
 Get the read buffer for any required copy operations to use.

void attach (BufferComponent buffer, GLenum internalFormat)
void attach (BufferComponent buffer, osg::Texture *texture, unsigned int level=0, unsigned int face=0, bool mipMapGeneration=false)
void attach (BufferComponent buffer, osg::Image *image)
void detach (BufferComponent buffer)
BufferAttachmentMapgetBufferAttachmentMap ()
 Get the BufferAttachmentMap, used to configure frame buffer objects, pbuffers and texture reads.

const BufferAttachmentMapgetBufferAttachmentMap () const
 Get the const BufferAttachmentMap, used to configure frame buffer objects, pbuffers and texture reads.

void setGraphicsContext (GraphicsContext *context)
 Set the GraphicsContext that provides the mechansim for managing the OpenGL graphics context associated with this camera.

GraphicsContextgetGraphicsContext ()
 Get the GraphicsContext.

const GraphicsContextgetGraphicsContext () const
 Get the const GraphicsContext.

void setRenderingCache (unsigned int contextID, osg::Object *rc)
 Set the Rendering object that is used to implement rendering of the subgraph.

osg::ObjectgetRenderingCache (unsigned int contextID)
 Get the Rendering object that is used to implement rendering of the subgraph.

const osg::ObjectgetRenderingCache (unsigned int contextID) const
 Get the const Rendering object that is used to implement rendering of the subgraph.

void setPostDrawCallback (DrawCallback *cb)
 Set the post draw callback for custom operations to do done after the drawing of the camera's subgraph has been completed.

DrawCallbackgetPostDrawCallback ()
 Get the post draw callback.

const DrawCallbackgetPostDrawCallback () const
 Get the const post draw callback.

OpenThreads::Mutex * getDataChangeMutex () const
virtual bool computeLocalToWorldMatrix (Matrix &matrix, NodeVisitor *) const
 Transform method that must be defined to provide generic interface for scene graph traversals.

virtual bool computeWorldToLocalMatrix (Matrix &matrix, NodeVisitor *) const
 Transform method that must be defined to provide generic interface for scene graph traversals.

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~CameraNode ()

Protected Attributes

OpenThreads::Mutex _dataChangeMutex
Vec4 _clearColor
GLbitfield _clearMask
ref_ptr< ColorMask_colorMask
ref_ptr< Viewport_viewport
TransformOrder _transformOrder
Matrixd _projectionMatrix
Matrixd _viewMatrix
RenderOrder _renderOrder
GLenum _drawBuffer
GLenum _readBuffer
RenderTargetImplementation _renderTargetImplementation
RenderTargetImplementation _renderTargetFallback
BufferAttachmentMap _bufferAttachmentMap
ref_ptr< GraphicsContext_graphicsContext
buffered_object< ref_ptr<
Object > > 
ref_ptr< DrawCallback_postDrawCallback

Detailed Description

CameraNode - is a subclass of Transform which represents encapsulates the settings of a Camera.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map< BufferComponent, Attachment> osg::CameraNode::BufferAttachmentMap

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum osg::CameraNode::BufferComponent

Enumeration values:

enum osg::CameraNode::RenderOrder

Enumeration values:

enum osg::CameraNode::RenderTargetImplementation

Enumeration values:

enum osg::CameraNode::TransformOrder

Enumeration values:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

osg::CameraNode::CameraNode  ) 

osg::CameraNode::CameraNode const CameraNode ,
const CopyOp copyop = CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY

Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy.

virtual osg::CameraNode::~CameraNode  )  [protected, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void osg::CameraNode::attach BufferComponent  buffer,
osg::Image image

void osg::CameraNode::attach BufferComponent  buffer,
osg::Texture texture,
unsigned int  level = 0,
unsigned int  face = 0,
bool  mipMapGeneration = false

void osg::CameraNode::attach BufferComponent  buffer,
GLenum  internalFormat

virtual bool osg::CameraNode::computeLocalToWorldMatrix Matrix matrix,
const [virtual]

Transform method that must be defined to provide generic interface for scene graph traversals.

Reimplemented from osg::Transform.

virtual bool osg::CameraNode::computeWorldToLocalMatrix Matrix matrix,
const [virtual]

Transform method that must be defined to provide generic interface for scene graph traversals.

Reimplemented from osg::Transform.

void osg::CameraNode::detach BufferComponent  buffer  ) 

const BufferAttachmentMap& osg::CameraNode::getBufferAttachmentMap  )  const [inline]

Get the const BufferAttachmentMap, used to configure frame buffer objects, pbuffers and texture reads.

BufferAttachmentMap& osg::CameraNode::getBufferAttachmentMap  )  [inline]

Get the BufferAttachmentMap, used to configure frame buffer objects, pbuffers and texture reads.

const Vec4& osg::CameraNode::getClearColor  )  const [inline]

Returns the clear color.

GLbitfield osg::CameraNode::getClearMask  )  const [inline]

Get the clear mask.

ColorMask* osg::CameraNode::getColorMask  )  [inline]

Get the ColorMask.

const ColorMask* osg::CameraNode::getColorMask  )  const [inline]

Get the const ColorMask.

OpenThreads::Mutex* osg::CameraNode::getDataChangeMutex  )  const [inline]

GLenum osg::CameraNode::getDrawBuffer  )  const [inline]

Get the draw buffer used at the start of each frame draw.

const GraphicsContext* osg::CameraNode::getGraphicsContext  )  const [inline]

Get the const GraphicsContext.

GraphicsContext* osg::CameraNode::getGraphicsContext  )  [inline]

Get the GraphicsContext.

Matrixd osg::CameraNode::getInverseViewMatrix  )  const

Get the inverse view matrix.

const DrawCallback* osg::CameraNode::getPostDrawCallback  )  const [inline]

Get the const post draw callback.

DrawCallback* osg::CameraNode::getPostDrawCallback  )  [inline]

Get the post draw callback.

const osg::Matrixd& osg::CameraNode::getProjectionMatrix  )  const [inline]

Get the const projection matrix.

osg::Matrixd& osg::CameraNode::getProjectionMatrix  )  [inline]

Get the projection matrix.

bool osg::CameraNode::getProjectionMatrixAsFrustum double &  left,
double &  right,
double &  bottom,
double &  top,
double &  zNear,
double &  zFar

Get the frustum setting of a perspective projection matrix.

Returns false if matrix is not a perspective matrix, where parameter values are undefined.

bool osg::CameraNode::getProjectionMatrixAsOrtho double &  left,
double &  right,
double &  bottom,
double &  top,
double &  zNear,
double &  zFar

Get the othographic settings of the orthographic projection matrix.

Returns false if matrix is not an orthographic matrix, where parameter values are undefined.

bool osg::CameraNode::getProjectionMatrixAsPerspective double &  fovy,
double &  aspectRatio,
double &  zNear,
double &  zFar

Get the frustum setting of a symmetric perspective projection matrix.

Returns false if matrix is not a perspective matrix, where parameter values are undefined. Note, if matrix is not a symmetric perspective matrix then the shear will be lost. Asymmetric matrices occur when stereo, power walls, caves and reality center display are used. In these configurations one should use the 'getProjectionMatrixAsFrustum' method instead.

GLenum osg::CameraNode::getReadBuffer  )  const [inline]

Get the read buffer for any required copy operations to use.

const osg::Object* osg::CameraNode::getRenderingCache unsigned int  contextID  )  const [inline]

Get the const Rendering object that is used to implement rendering of the subgraph.

osg::Object* osg::CameraNode::getRenderingCache unsigned int  contextID  )  [inline]

Get the Rendering object that is used to implement rendering of the subgraph.

RenderOrder osg::CameraNode::getRenderOrder  )  const [inline]

Get the rendering order of this camera's subgraph relative to any camera that this subgraph is nested within.

RenderTargetImplementation osg::CameraNode::getRenderTargetFallback  )  const [inline]

RenderTargetImplementation osg::CameraNode::getRenderTargetImplementation  )  const [inline]

TransformOrder osg::CameraNode::getTransformOrder  )  const [inline]

const osg::Matrixd& osg::CameraNode::getViewMatrix  )  const [inline]

Get the const view matrix.

osg::Matrixd& osg::CameraNode::getViewMatrix  )  [inline]

Get the view matrix.

void osg::CameraNode::getViewMatrixAsLookAt osg::Vec3 eye,
osg::Vec3 center,
osg::Vec3 up,
float  lookDistance = 1.0f

Get to the position and orientation of a modelview matrix, using the same convention as gluLookAt.

Viewport* osg::CameraNode::getViewport  )  [inline]

Get the viewport.

const Viewport* osg::CameraNode::getViewport  )  const [inline]

Get the const viewport.

osg::CameraNode::META_Node osg  ,

void osg::CameraNode::setClearColor const Vec4 color  )  [inline]

Sets the clear color.

void osg::CameraNode::setClearMask GLbitfield  mask  )  [inline]

Set the clear mask used in glClear(..).


void osg::CameraNode::setColorMask bool  red,
bool  green,
bool  blue,
bool  alpha

Set the color mask of the camera to specified values.

void osg::CameraNode::setColorMask osg::ColorMask colorMask  ) 

Set the color mask of the camera to use specified osg::ColorMask.

void osg::CameraNode::setDrawBuffer GLenum  buffer  )  [inline]

Set the draw buffer used at the start of each frame draw.

Note, a buffer value of GL_NONE is used to sepecify that the rendering back-end should choose the most appropriate buffer.

void osg::CameraNode::setGraphicsContext GraphicsContext context  )  [inline]

Set the GraphicsContext that provides the mechansim for managing the OpenGL graphics context associated with this camera.

void osg::CameraNode::setPostDrawCallback DrawCallback cb  )  [inline]

Set the post draw callback for custom operations to do done after the drawing of the camera's subgraph has been completed.

void osg::CameraNode::setProjectionMatrix const osg::Matrixd matrix  )  [inline]

Set the projection matrix.

Can be thought of as setting the lens of a camera.

void osg::CameraNode::setProjectionMatrix const osg::Matrixf matrix  )  [inline]

Set the projection matrix.

Can be thought of as setting the lens of a camera.

void osg::CameraNode::setProjectionMatrixAsFrustum double  left,
double  right,
double  bottom,
double  top,
double  zNear,
double  zFar

Set to a perspective projection.

See OpenGL glFrustum documentation for further details.

void osg::CameraNode::setProjectionMatrixAsOrtho double  left,
double  right,
double  bottom,
double  top,
double  zNear,
double  zFar

Set to an orthographic projection.

See OpenGL glOrtho for documentation further details.

void osg::CameraNode::setProjectionMatrixAsOrtho2D double  left,
double  right,
double  bottom,
double  top

Set to a 2D orthographic projection.

See OpenGL glOrtho2D documentation for further details.

void osg::CameraNode::setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective double  fovy,
double  aspectRatio,
double  zNear,
double  zFar

Create a symmetrical perspective projection, See OpenGL gluPerspective documentation for further details.

Aspect ratio is defined as width/height.

void osg::CameraNode::setReadBuffer GLenum  buffer  )  [inline]

Set the read buffer for any required copy operations to use.

Note, a buffer value of GL_NONE is used to sepecify that the rendering back-end should choose the most appropriate buffer.

void osg::CameraNode::setRenderingCache unsigned int  contextID,
osg::Object rc

Set the Rendering object that is used to implement rendering of the subgraph.

void osg::CameraNode::setRenderOrder RenderOrder  order  )  [inline]

Set the rendering order of this camera's subgraph relative to any camera that this subgraph is nested within.

For rendering to a texture, one typically uses PRE_RENDER. For Head Up Displays, one would typically use POST_RENDER.

void osg::CameraNode::setRenderTargetImplementation RenderTargetImplementation  impl,
RenderTargetImplementation  fallback

void osg::CameraNode::setRenderTargetImplementation RenderTargetImplementation  impl  ) 

void osg::CameraNode::setTransformOrder TransformOrder  order  )  [inline]

void osg::CameraNode::setViewMatrix const osg::Matrixd matrix  )  [inline]

Set the view matrix.

Can be thought of as setting the position of the world relative to the camera in camera coordinates.

void osg::CameraNode::setViewMatrix const osg::Matrixf matrix  )  [inline]

Set the view matrix.

Can be thought of as setting the position of the world relative to the camera in camera coordinates.

void osg::CameraNode::setViewMatrixAsLookAt const osg::Vec3 eye,
const osg::Vec3 center,
const osg::Vec3 up

Set to the position and orientation of view matrix, using the same convention as gluLookAt.

void osg::CameraNode::setViewport int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height

Set the viewport of the camera to specified dimensions.

void osg::CameraNode::setViewport osg::Viewport viewport  ) 

Set the viewport of the camera to use specified osg::Viewport.

Member Data Documentation

BufferAttachmentMap osg::CameraNode::_bufferAttachmentMap [protected]

Vec4 osg::CameraNode::_clearColor [protected]

GLbitfield osg::CameraNode::_clearMask [protected]

ref_ptr<ColorMask> osg::CameraNode::_colorMask [protected]

OpenThreads::Mutex osg::CameraNode::_dataChangeMutex [mutable, protected]

GLenum osg::CameraNode::_drawBuffer [protected]

ref_ptr<GraphicsContext> osg::CameraNode::_graphicsContext [protected]

ref_ptr<DrawCallback> osg::CameraNode::_postDrawCallback [protected]

Matrixd osg::CameraNode::_projectionMatrix [protected]

GLenum osg::CameraNode::_readBuffer [protected]

buffered_object< ref_ptr<Object> > osg::CameraNode::_renderingCache [protected]

RenderOrder osg::CameraNode::_renderOrder [protected]

RenderTargetImplementation osg::CameraNode::_renderTargetFallback [protected]

RenderTargetImplementation osg::CameraNode::_renderTargetImplementation [protected]

TransformOrder osg::CameraNode::_transformOrder [protected]

Matrixd osg::CameraNode::_viewMatrix [protected]

ref_ptr<Viewport> osg::CameraNode::_viewport [protected]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Thu Nov 24 16:22:50 2005 for the OpenSceneGraph by doxygen 1.3.6.