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osgUtil::RenderStage Class Reference

RenderStage base class. More...

Inheritance diagram for osgUtil::RenderStage:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 RenderStage ()
 RenderStage (SortMode mode)
 RenderStage (const RenderStage &rhs, const osg::CopyOp &copyop=osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)
virtual osg::ObjectcloneType () const
 Clone the type of an object, with Object* return type.

virtual osg::Objectclone (const osg::CopyOp &copyop) const
virtual bool isSameKindAs (const osg::Object *obj) const
virtual const char * className () const
 return the name of the object's class type.

virtual void reset ()
void setDrawBuffer (GLenum buffer)
 Set the draw buffer used at the start of each frame draw.

GLenum getDrawBuffer () const
 Get the draw buffer used at the start of each frame draw.

void setReadBuffer (GLenum buffer)
 Set the read buffer for any required copy operations to use.

GLenum getReadBuffer () const
 Get the read buffer for any required copy operations to use.

void setViewport (osg::Viewport *viewport)
 Set the viewport.

const osg::ViewportgetViewport () const
 Get the const viewport.

osg::ViewportgetViewport ()
 Get the viewport.

void setClearMask (GLbitfield mask)
 Set the clear mask used in glClear(..).

GLbitfield getClearMask () const
 Get the clear mask.

void setColorMask (osg::ColorMask *cm)
osg::ColorMaskgetColorMask ()
const osg::ColorMaskgetColorMask () const
void setClearColor (const osg::Vec4 &color)
 Set the clear color used in glClearColor(..).

const osg::Vec4getClearColor () const
 Get the clear color.

void setClearAccum (const osg::Vec4 &color)
 Set the clear accum used in glClearAccum(..).

const osg::Vec4getClearAccum () const
 Get the clear accum.

void setClearDepth (double depth)
 Set the clear depth used in glClearDepth(..).

double getClearDepth () const
 Get the clear depth.

void setClearStencil (int stencil)
 Set the clear stencil value used in glClearStencil().

int getClearStencil () const
 Get the clear color.

void setCameraNode (osg::CameraNode *camera)
osg::CameraNodegetCameraNode ()
const osg::CameraNodegetCameraNode () const
void setCameraRequiresSetUp (bool flag)
bool getCameraRequiresSetUp () const
void runCameraSetUp (osg::State &state)
 Attempt the set the RenderStage from the Camera settings.

void setTexture (osg::Texture *texture, unsigned int level=0, unsigned int face=0)
osg::TexturegetTexture ()
void setImage (osg::Image *image)
osg::ImagegetImage ()
void setImageReadPixelFormat (GLenum format)
GLenum getImageReadPixelFormat () const
void setImageReadPixelDataType (GLenum type)
GLenum getImageReadPixelDataType () const
void setFrameBufferObject (osg::FrameBufferObject *fbo)
osg::FrameBufferObjectgetFrameBufferObject ()
const osg::FrameBufferObjectgetFrameBufferObject () const
void setGraphicsContext (osg::GraphicsContext *context)
osg::GraphicsContextgetGraphicsContext ()
const osg::GraphicsContextgetGraphicsContext () const
void setInheritedPositionalStateContainerMatrix (const osg::Matrix &matrix)
const osg::MatrixgetInheritedPositionalStateContainerMatrix () const
void setInheritedPositionalStateContainer (PositionalStateContainer *rsl)
PositionalStateContainergetInheritedPositionalStateContainer ()
void setPositionalStateContainer (PositionalStateContainer *rsl)
PositionalStateContainergetPositionalStateContainer () const
virtual void addPositionedAttribute (osg::RefMatrix *matrix, const osg::StateAttribute *attr)
virtual void addPositionedTextureAttribute (unsigned int textureUnit, osg::RefMatrix *matrix, const osg::StateAttribute *attr)
void copyTexture (osg::State &state)
virtual void sort ()
virtual void drawPreRenderStages (osg::State &state, RenderLeaf *&previous)
virtual void draw (osg::State &state, RenderLeaf *&previous)
virtual void drawInner (osg::State &state, RenderLeaf *&previous, bool &doCopyTexture)
virtual void drawPostRenderStages (osg::State &state, RenderLeaf *&previous)
virtual void drawImplementation (osg::State &state, RenderLeaf *&previous)
void addToDependencyList (RenderStage *rs)
void addPreRenderStage (RenderStage *rs)
void addPostRenderStage (RenderStage *rs)
bool getStats (Statistics *primStats)
 Extract stats for current draw list.

Protected Types

typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<
RenderStage > > 

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~RenderStage ()

Protected Attributes

bool _stageDrawnThisFrame
RenderStageList _preRenderList
RenderStageList _postRenderList
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Viewport_viewport
GLenum _drawBuffer
GLenum _readBuffer
GLbitfield _clearMask
osg::ref_ptr< osg::ColorMask_colorMask
osg::Vec4 _clearColor
osg::Vec4 _clearAccum
double _clearDepth
int _clearStencil
bool _cameraRequiresSetUp
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Texture_texture
unsigned int _level
unsigned int _face
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Image_image
GLenum _imageReadPixelFormat
GLenum _imageReadPixelDataType
osg::ref_ptr< osg::FrameBufferObject_fbo
osg::ref_ptr< osg::GraphicsContext_graphicsContext
osg::Matrix _inheritedPositionalStateContainerMatrix
osg::ref_ptr< PositionalStateContainer_inheritedPositionalStateContainer
osg::ref_ptr< PositionalStateContainer_renderStageLighting

Detailed Description

RenderStage base class.

Used for encapsulate a complete stage in rendering - setting up of viewport, the projection and model matrices and rendering the RenderBin's enclosed with this RenderStage. RenderStage also has a dependency list of other RenderStages, each of which must be called before the rendering of this stage. These 'pre' rendering stages are used for advanced rendering techniques like multistage pixel shading or impostors.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<RenderStage> > osgUtil::RenderStage::RenderStageList [protected]

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

osgUtil::RenderStage::RenderStage  ) 

osgUtil::RenderStage::RenderStage SortMode  mode  ) 

osgUtil::RenderStage::RenderStage const RenderStage rhs,
const osg::CopyOp copyop = osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY

virtual osgUtil::RenderStage::~RenderStage  )  [protected, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual void osgUtil::RenderStage::addPositionedAttribute osg::RefMatrix matrix,
const osg::StateAttribute attr
[inline, virtual]

virtual void osgUtil::RenderStage::addPositionedTextureAttribute unsigned int  textureUnit,
osg::RefMatrix matrix,
const osg::StateAttribute attr
[inline, virtual]

void osgUtil::RenderStage::addPostRenderStage RenderStage rs  ) 

void osgUtil::RenderStage::addPreRenderStage RenderStage rs  ) 

void osgUtil::RenderStage::addToDependencyList RenderStage rs  )  [inline]

virtual const char* osgUtil::RenderStage::className  )  const [inline, virtual]

return the name of the object's class type.

Must be defined by derived classes.

Reimplemented from osgUtil::RenderBin.

virtual osg::Object* osgUtil::RenderStage::clone const osg::CopyOp copyop  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from osgUtil::RenderBin.

virtual osg::Object* osgUtil::RenderStage::cloneType  )  const [inline, virtual]

Clone the type of an object, with Object* return type.

Must be defined by derived classes.

Reimplemented from osgUtil::RenderBin.

void osgUtil::RenderStage::copyTexture osg::State state  ) 

virtual void osgUtil::RenderStage::draw osg::State state,
RenderLeaf *&  previous

Reimplemented from osgUtil::RenderBin.

virtual void osgUtil::RenderStage::drawImplementation osg::State state,
RenderLeaf *&  previous

Reimplemented from osgUtil::RenderBin.

virtual void osgUtil::RenderStage::drawInner osg::State state,
RenderLeaf *&  previous,
bool &  doCopyTexture

virtual void osgUtil::RenderStage::drawPostRenderStages osg::State state,
RenderLeaf *&  previous

virtual void osgUtil::RenderStage::drawPreRenderStages osg::State state,
RenderLeaf *&  previous

const osg::CameraNode* osgUtil::RenderStage::getCameraNode  )  const [inline]

osg::CameraNode* osgUtil::RenderStage::getCameraNode  )  [inline]

bool osgUtil::RenderStage::getCameraRequiresSetUp  )  const [inline]

const osg::Vec4& osgUtil::RenderStage::getClearAccum  )  const [inline]

Get the clear accum.

const osg::Vec4& osgUtil::RenderStage::getClearColor  )  const [inline]

Get the clear color.

double osgUtil::RenderStage::getClearDepth  )  const [inline]

Get the clear depth.

GLbitfield osgUtil::RenderStage::getClearMask  )  const [inline]

Get the clear mask.

int osgUtil::RenderStage::getClearStencil  )  const [inline]

Get the clear color.

const osg::ColorMask* osgUtil::RenderStage::getColorMask  )  const [inline]

osg::ColorMask* osgUtil::RenderStage::getColorMask  )  [inline]

GLenum osgUtil::RenderStage::getDrawBuffer  )  const [inline]

Get the draw buffer used at the start of each frame draw.

const osg::FrameBufferObject* osgUtil::RenderStage::getFrameBufferObject  )  const [inline]

osg::FrameBufferObject* osgUtil::RenderStage::getFrameBufferObject  )  [inline]

const osg::GraphicsContext* osgUtil::RenderStage::getGraphicsContext  )  const [inline]

osg::GraphicsContext* osgUtil::RenderStage::getGraphicsContext  )  [inline]

osg::Image* osgUtil::RenderStage::getImage  )  [inline]

GLenum osgUtil::RenderStage::getImageReadPixelDataType  )  const [inline]

GLenum osgUtil::RenderStage::getImageReadPixelFormat  )  const [inline]

PositionalStateContainer* osgUtil::RenderStage::getInheritedPositionalStateContainer  )  [inline]

const osg::Matrix& osgUtil::RenderStage::getInheritedPositionalStateContainerMatrix  )  const [inline]

PositionalStateContainer* osgUtil::RenderStage::getPositionalStateContainer  )  const [inline]

GLenum osgUtil::RenderStage::getReadBuffer  )  const [inline]

Get the read buffer for any required copy operations to use.

bool osgUtil::RenderStage::getStats Statistics primStats  ) 

Extract stats for current draw list.

Reimplemented from osgUtil::RenderBin.

osg::Texture* osgUtil::RenderStage::getTexture  )  [inline]

osg::Viewport* osgUtil::RenderStage::getViewport  )  [inline]

Get the viewport.

const osg::Viewport* osgUtil::RenderStage::getViewport  )  const [inline]

Get the const viewport.

virtual bool osgUtil::RenderStage::isSameKindAs const osg::Object obj  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from osgUtil::RenderBin.

virtual void osgUtil::RenderStage::reset  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from osgUtil::RenderBin.

void osgUtil::RenderStage::runCameraSetUp osg::State state  ) 

Attempt the set the RenderStage from the Camera settings.

void osgUtil::RenderStage::setCameraNode osg::CameraNode camera  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::RenderStage::setCameraRequiresSetUp bool  flag  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::RenderStage::setClearAccum const osg::Vec4 color  )  [inline]

Set the clear accum used in glClearAccum(..).

glClearAcumm is only called if mask & GL_ACCUM_BUFFER_BIT is true.

void osgUtil::RenderStage::setClearColor const osg::Vec4 color  )  [inline]

Set the clear color used in glClearColor(..).

glClearColor is only called if mask & GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT is true

void osgUtil::RenderStage::setClearDepth double  depth  )  [inline]

Set the clear depth used in glClearDepth(..).

Defaults to 1.0 glClearDepth is only called if mask & GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT is true.

void osgUtil::RenderStage::setClearMask GLbitfield  mask  )  [inline]

Set the clear mask used in glClear(..).


void osgUtil::RenderStage::setClearStencil int  stencil  )  [inline]

Set the clear stencil value used in glClearStencil().

Defaults to 0; glClearStencil is only called if mask & GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT is true

void osgUtil::RenderStage::setColorMask osg::ColorMask cm  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::RenderStage::setDrawBuffer GLenum  buffer  )  [inline]

Set the draw buffer used at the start of each frame draw.

void osgUtil::RenderStage::setFrameBufferObject osg::FrameBufferObject fbo  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::RenderStage::setGraphicsContext osg::GraphicsContext context  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::RenderStage::setImage osg::Image image  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::RenderStage::setImageReadPixelDataType GLenum  type  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::RenderStage::setImageReadPixelFormat GLenum  format  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::RenderStage::setInheritedPositionalStateContainer PositionalStateContainer rsl  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::RenderStage::setInheritedPositionalStateContainerMatrix const osg::Matrix matrix  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::RenderStage::setPositionalStateContainer PositionalStateContainer rsl  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::RenderStage::setReadBuffer GLenum  buffer  )  [inline]

Set the read buffer for any required copy operations to use.

void osgUtil::RenderStage::setTexture osg::Texture texture,
unsigned int  level = 0,
unsigned int  face = 0

void osgUtil::RenderStage::setViewport osg::Viewport viewport  )  [inline]

Set the viewport.

virtual void osgUtil::RenderStage::sort  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from osgUtil::RenderBin.

Member Data Documentation

osg::CameraNode* osgUtil::RenderStage::_camera [protected]

bool osgUtil::RenderStage::_cameraRequiresSetUp [protected]

osg::Vec4 osgUtil::RenderStage::_clearAccum [protected]

osg::Vec4 osgUtil::RenderStage::_clearColor [protected]

double osgUtil::RenderStage::_clearDepth [protected]

GLbitfield osgUtil::RenderStage::_clearMask [protected]

int osgUtil::RenderStage::_clearStencil [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osg::ColorMask> osgUtil::RenderStage::_colorMask [protected]

GLenum osgUtil::RenderStage::_drawBuffer [protected]

unsigned int osgUtil::RenderStage::_face [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osg::FrameBufferObject> osgUtil::RenderStage::_fbo [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osg::GraphicsContext> osgUtil::RenderStage::_graphicsContext [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> osgUtil::RenderStage::_image [protected]

GLenum osgUtil::RenderStage::_imageReadPixelDataType [protected]

GLenum osgUtil::RenderStage::_imageReadPixelFormat [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<PositionalStateContainer> osgUtil::RenderStage::_inheritedPositionalStateContainer [mutable, protected]

osg::Matrix osgUtil::RenderStage::_inheritedPositionalStateContainerMatrix [mutable, protected]

unsigned int osgUtil::RenderStage::_level [protected]

RenderStageList osgUtil::RenderStage::_postRenderList [protected]

RenderStageList osgUtil::RenderStage::_preRenderList [protected]

GLenum osgUtil::RenderStage::_readBuffer [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<PositionalStateContainer> osgUtil::RenderStage::_renderStageLighting [mutable, protected]

bool osgUtil::RenderStage::_stageDrawnThisFrame [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Texture> osgUtil::RenderStage::_texture [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Viewport> osgUtil::RenderStage::_viewport [protected]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Thu Nov 24 16:25:47 2005 for the OpenSceneGraph by doxygen 1.3.6.