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osg::FrameStamp Class Reference

Class which encapsulates the frame number, reference time and calendar time of specific frame, used to synchonize operations on the scene graph and other machines when using a graphics cluster. More...

Inheritance diagram for osg::FrameStamp:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 FrameStamp ()
 FrameStamp (const FrameStamp &fs)
FrameStampoperator= (const FrameStamp &fs)
void setFrameNumber (int fnum)
int getFrameNumber () const
void setReferenceTime (double refTime)
double getReferenceTime () const
void setCalendarTime (const tm &calendarTime)
void getCalendarTime (tm &calendarTime) const
virtual ~FrameStamp ()

Protected Attributes

int _frameNumber
double _referenceTime
int tm_sec
int tm_min
int tm_hour
int tm_mday
int tm_mon
int tm_year
int tm_wday
int tm_yday
int tm_isdst

Detailed Description

Class which encapsulates the frame number, reference time and calendar time of specific frame, used to synchonize operations on the scene graph and other machines when using a graphics cluster.

Note the calendar time can be an artificial simulation time or capture the real time of day etc.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

osg::FrameStamp::FrameStamp  ) 

osg::FrameStamp::FrameStamp const FrameStamp fs  ) 

virtual osg::FrameStamp::~FrameStamp  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void osg::FrameStamp::getCalendarTime tm &  calendarTime  )  const

int osg::FrameStamp::getFrameNumber  )  const [inline]

double osg::FrameStamp::getReferenceTime  )  const [inline]

FrameStamp& osg::FrameStamp::operator= const FrameStamp fs  ) 

void osg::FrameStamp::setCalendarTime const tm &  calendarTime  ) 

void osg::FrameStamp::setFrameNumber int  fnum  )  [inline]

void osg::FrameStamp::setReferenceTime double  refTime  )  [inline]

Member Data Documentation

int osg::FrameStamp::_frameNumber [protected]

double osg::FrameStamp::_referenceTime [protected]

int osg::FrameStamp::tm_hour [protected]

int osg::FrameStamp::tm_isdst [protected]

int osg::FrameStamp::tm_mday [protected]

int osg::FrameStamp::tm_min [protected]

int osg::FrameStamp::tm_mon [protected]

int osg::FrameStamp::tm_sec [protected]

int osg::FrameStamp::tm_wday [protected]

int osg::FrameStamp::tm_yday [protected]

int osg::FrameStamp::tm_year [protected]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Thu Nov 24 16:23:04 2005 for the OpenSceneGraph by doxygen 1.3.6.