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osgUtil::Simplifier Class Reference

A simplifier for reducing the number of traingles in osg::Geometry. More...

Inheritance diagram for osgUtil::Simplifier:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::vector< unsigned
int > 

Public Member Functions

 Simplifier (float sampleRatio=1.0f, float maximumError=0.0f)
void setSampleRatio (float sampleRatio)
float getSampleRatio () const
void setMaximumError (float error)
float getMaximumError () const
void setContinueSimplificationCallback (ContinueSimplificationCallback *cb)
ContinueSimplificationCallbackgetContinueSimplificationCallback ()
const ContinueSimplificationCallbackgetContinueSimplificationCallback () const
bool continueSimplification (float nextError, unsigned int numOriginalPrimitives, unsigned int numRemainingPrimitives) const
virtual bool continueSimplificationImplementation (float nextError, unsigned int numOriginalPrimitives, unsigned int numRemainingPrimitives) const
virtual void apply (osg::Geode &geode)
void simplify (osg::Geometry &geometry)
 simply the geometry.

void simplify (osg::Geometry &geometry, const IndexList &protectedPoints)
 simply the geometry, whilst protecting key points from being modified.

Protected Attributes

float _sampleRatio
float _maximumError
osg::ref_ptr< ContinueSimplificationCallback_continueSimplificationCallback

Detailed Description

A simplifier for reducing the number of traingles in osg::Geometry.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<unsigned int> osgUtil::Simplifier::IndexList

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

osgUtil::Simplifier::Simplifier float  sampleRatio = 1.0f,
float  maximumError = 0.0f

Member Function Documentation

virtual void osgUtil::Simplifier::apply osg::Geode geode  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from osg::NodeVisitor.

bool osgUtil::Simplifier::continueSimplification float  nextError,
unsigned int  numOriginalPrimitives,
unsigned int  numRemainingPrimitives
const [inline]

virtual bool osgUtil::Simplifier::continueSimplificationImplementation float  nextError,
unsigned int  numOriginalPrimitives,
unsigned int  numRemainingPrimitives
const [inline, virtual]

const ContinueSimplificationCallback* osgUtil::Simplifier::getContinueSimplificationCallback  )  const [inline]

ContinueSimplificationCallback* osgUtil::Simplifier::getContinueSimplificationCallback  )  [inline]

float osgUtil::Simplifier::getMaximumError  )  const [inline]

float osgUtil::Simplifier::getSampleRatio  )  const [inline]

void osgUtil::Simplifier::setContinueSimplificationCallback ContinueSimplificationCallback cb  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::Simplifier::setMaximumError float  error  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::Simplifier::setSampleRatio float  sampleRatio  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::Simplifier::simplify osg::Geometry geometry,
const IndexList protectedPoints

simply the geometry, whilst protecting key points from being modified.

void osgUtil::Simplifier::simplify osg::Geometry geometry  ) 

simply the geometry.

Member Data Documentation

osg::ref_ptr<ContinueSimplificationCallback> osgUtil::Simplifier::_continueSimplificationCallback [protected]

float osgUtil::Simplifier::_maximumError [protected]

float osgUtil::Simplifier::_sampleRatio [protected]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Thu Nov 24 16:25:48 2005 for the OpenSceneGraph by doxygen 1.3.6.