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osg::ClipNode Class Reference

Node for defining the position of ClipPlanes in the scene. More...

Inheritance diagram for osg::ClipNode:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::vector< ref_ptr<
ClipPlane > > 

Public Member Functions

 ClipNode ()
 ClipNode (const ClipNode &es, const CopyOp &copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)
 META_Node (osg, ClipNode)
void createClipBox (const BoundingBox &bb, unsigned int clipPlaneNumberBase=0)
 Creates six clip planes corresponding to the given BoundingBox.

bool addClipPlane (ClipPlane *clipplane)
 Adds the clipplane.

bool removeClipPlane (ClipPlane *clipplane)
 Removes the clipplane.

bool removeClipPlane (unsigned int pos)
 Remove the ClipPlane with the given index.

unsigned int getNumClipPlanes () const
 Returns the number of ClipPlanes.

ClipPlanegetClipPlane (unsigned int pos)
 Get ClipPlane at the given index position.

const ClipPlanegetClipPlane (unsigned int pos) const
 Get const ClipPlane at the given index position.

void getClipPlaneList (const ClipPlaneList &cpl)
 Set the ClipPlaneList.

ClipPlaneListgetClipPlaneList ()
 Get the ClipPlaneList.

const ClipPlaneListgetClipPlaneList () const
 Get the const ClipPlaneList.

void setStateSetModes (StateSet &, StateAttribute::GLModeValue) const
 Set the GLModes for all ClipPlanes, on the StateSet.

void setLocalStateSetModes (StateAttribute::GLModeValue=StateAttribute::ON)
 Set up the local StateSet.

virtual BoundingSphere computeBound () const
 Compute the bounding sphere around Node's geometry or children.

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~ClipNode ()

Protected Attributes

StateAttribute::GLModeValue _value
ClipPlaneList _planes

Detailed Description

Node for defining the position of ClipPlanes in the scene.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<ref_ptr<ClipPlane> > osg::ClipNode::ClipPlaneList

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

osg::ClipNode::ClipNode  ) 

osg::ClipNode::ClipNode const ClipNode es,
const CopyOp copyop = CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY

virtual osg::ClipNode::~ClipNode  )  [protected, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

bool osg::ClipNode::addClipPlane ClipPlane clipplane  ) 

Adds the clipplane.

Returns true on success, and false if the plane has already been added, or if clipplane is NULL.

virtual BoundingSphere osg::ClipNode::computeBound  )  const [virtual]

Compute the bounding sphere around Node's geometry or children.

This method is automatically called by getBound() when the bounding sphere has been marked dirty via dirtyBound().

Reimplemented from osg::Group.

void osg::ClipNode::createClipBox const BoundingBox bb,
unsigned int  clipPlaneNumberBase = 0

Creates six clip planes corresponding to the given BoundingBox.

const ClipPlane* osg::ClipNode::getClipPlane unsigned int  pos  )  const [inline]

Get const ClipPlane at the given index position.

ClipPlane* osg::ClipNode::getClipPlane unsigned int  pos  )  [inline]

Get ClipPlane at the given index position.

const ClipPlaneList& osg::ClipNode::getClipPlaneList  )  const [inline]

Get the const ClipPlaneList.

ClipPlaneList& osg::ClipNode::getClipPlaneList  )  [inline]

Get the ClipPlaneList.

void osg::ClipNode::getClipPlaneList const ClipPlaneList cpl  )  [inline]

Set the ClipPlaneList.

unsigned int osg::ClipNode::getNumClipPlanes  )  const [inline]

Returns the number of ClipPlanes.

osg::ClipNode::META_Node osg  ,

bool osg::ClipNode::removeClipPlane unsigned int  pos  ) 

Remove the ClipPlane with the given index.

Returns true on success, false if pos is not a valid plane index.

bool osg::ClipNode::removeClipPlane ClipPlane clipplane  ) 

Removes the clipplane.

Returns true on success, false if clipplane isn't in this ClipNode.

void osg::ClipNode::setLocalStateSetModes StateAttribute::GLModeValue  = StateAttribute::ON  ) 

Set up the local StateSet.

void osg::ClipNode::setStateSetModes StateSet ,

Set the GLModes for all ClipPlanes, on the StateSet.

Member Data Documentation

ClipPlaneList osg::ClipNode::_planes [protected]

StateAttribute::GLModeValue osg::ClipNode::_value [protected]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Thu Nov 24 16:22:52 2005 for the OpenSceneGraph by doxygen 1.3.6.