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osgDB::Registry Class Reference

Registry is a singleton factory which stores the reader/writers which are linked in at runtime for reading non-native file formats. More...

Inheritance diagram for osgDB::Registry:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void readCommandLine (osg::ArgumentParser &commandLine)
 read the command line arguments.

void addFileExtensionAlias (const std::string mapExt, const std::string toExt)
 register an .fileextension alias to mapExt toExt, the later should the the extension name of the readerwriter plugin library.

void addDotOsgWrapper (DotOsgWrapper *wrapper)
void removeDotOsgWrapper (DotOsgWrapper *wrapper)
void addReaderWriter (ReaderWriter *rw)
void removeReaderWriter (ReaderWriter *rw)
std::string createLibraryNameForFile (const std::string &fileName)
 create the platform specific library name associated with file.

std::string createLibraryNameForExtension (const std::string &ext)
 create the platform specific library name associated with file extension.

std::string createLibraryNameForNodeKit (const std::string &name)
 create the platform specific library name associated with nodekit library name.

bool loadLibrary (const std::string &fileName)
 find the library in the SG_LIBRARY_PATH and load it.

bool closeLibrary (const std::string &fileName)
 close the attached library with specified name.

void closeAllLibraries ()
 close all libraries.

ReaderWritergetReaderWriterForExtension (const std::string &ext)
 get a reader writer which handles specified extension.

osg::ObjectreadObjectOfType (const osg::Object &compObj, Input &fr)
osg::ObjectreadObjectOfType (const basic_type_wrapper &btw, Input &fr)
osg::ObjectreadObject (Input &fr)
osg::ImagereadImage (Input &fr)
osg::DrawablereadDrawable (Input &fr)
osg::UniformreadUniform (Input &fr)
osg::StateAttributereadStateAttribute (Input &fr)
osg::NodereadNode (Input &fr)
bool writeObject (const osg::Object &obj, Output &fw)
void setReadFileCallback (ReadFileCallback *cb)
 Set the Registry callback to use in place of the default readFile calls.

ReadFileCallbackgetReadFileCallback ()
 Get the readFile callback.

const ReadFileCallbackgetReadFileCallback () const
 Get the const readFile callback.

ReaderWriter::ReadResult openArchive (const std::string &fileName, ReaderWriter::ArchiveStatus status, unsigned int indexBlockSizeHint, const ReaderWriter::Options *options)
ReaderWriter::ReadResult openArchiveImplementation (const std::string &fileName, ReaderWriter::ArchiveStatus status, unsigned int indexBlockSizeHint, const ReaderWriter::Options *options)
ReaderWriter::ReadResult readObject (const std::string &fileName, const ReaderWriter::Options *options)
ReaderWriter::ReadResult readObjectImplementation (const std::string &fileName, const ReaderWriter::Options *options)
ReaderWriter::ReadResult readImage (const std::string &fileName, const ReaderWriter::Options *options)
ReaderWriter::ReadResult readImageImplementation (const std::string &fileName, const ReaderWriter::Options *options)
ReaderWriter::ReadResult readHeightField (const std::string &fileName, const ReaderWriter::Options *options)
ReaderWriter::ReadResult readHeightFieldImplementation (const std::string &fileName, const ReaderWriter::Options *options)
ReaderWriter::ReadResult readNode (const std::string &fileName, const ReaderWriter::Options *options)
ReaderWriter::ReadResult readNodeImplementation (const std::string &fileName, const ReaderWriter::Options *options)
void setWriteFileCallback (WriteFileCallback *cb)
 Set the Registry callback to use in place of the default writeFile calls.

WriteFileCallbackgetWriteFileCallback ()
 Get the writeFile callback.

const WriteFileCallbackgetWriteFileCallback () const
 Get the const writeFile callback.

ReaderWriter::WriteResult writeObject (const osg::Object &obj, const std::string &fileName)
ReaderWriter::WriteResult writeObjectImplementation (const osg::Object &obj, const std::string &fileName)
ReaderWriter::WriteResult writeImage (const osg::Image &obj, const std::string &fileName)
ReaderWriter::WriteResult writeImageImplementation (const osg::Image &obj, const std::string &fileName)
ReaderWriter::WriteResult writeHeightField (const osg::HeightField &obj, const std::string &fileName)
ReaderWriter::WriteResult writeHeightFieldImplementation (const osg::HeightField &obj, const std::string &fileName)
ReaderWriter::WriteResult writeNode (const osg::Node &node, const std::string &fileName)
ReaderWriter::WriteResult writeNodeImplementation (const osg::Node &node, const std::string &fileName)
void setCreateNodeFromImage (bool flag)
bool getCreateNodeFromImage () const
void setOptions (ReaderWriter::Options *opt)
ReaderWriter::OptionsgetOptions ()
const ReaderWriter::OptionsgetOptions () const
void initFilePathLists ()
 initilize both the Data and Library FilePaths, by default called by the constructor, so it should only be required if you want to force the re-reading of environmental variables.

void initDataFilePathList ()
 initilize the Data FilePath by reading the OSG_FILE_PATH environmental variable.

void setDataFilePathList (const FilePathList &filepath)
 Set the data file path using a list of paths stored in a FilePath, which is used when search for data files.

void setDataFilePathList (const std::string &paths)
 Set the data file path using a single string deliminated either with ';' (Windows) or ':' (All other platforms), which is used when search for data files.

FilePathListgetDataFilePathList ()
 get the data file path which is used when search for data files.

const FilePathListgetDataFilePathList () const
 get the const data file path which is used when search for data files.

void initLibraryFilePathList ()
 initilize the Library FilePath by reading the OSG_LIBRARY_PATH and the appropriate system environmental variables

void setLibraryFilePathList (const FilePathList &filepath)
 Set the library file path using a list of paths stored in a FilePath, which is used when search for data files.

void setLibraryFilePathList (const std::string &paths)
 Set the library file path using a single string deliminated either with ';' (Windows) or ':' (All other platforms), which is used when search for data files.

FilePathListgetLibraryFilePathList ()
 get the library file path which is used when search for library (dso/dll's) files.

const FilePathListgetLibraryFilePathList () const
 get the const library file path which is used when search for library (dso/dll's) files.

void updateTimeStampOfObjectsInCacheWithExtenalReferences (double currentTime)
 For each object in the cache which has an reference count greater than 1 (and therefore referenced by elsewhere in the application) set the time stamp for that object in the cache to specified time.

void removeExpiredObjectsInCache (double expiryTime)
 Removed object in the cache which have a time stamp at or before the specified expiry time.

void clearObjectCache ()
 Remove all objects in the cache regardless of having external references or expiry times.

void addEntryToObjectCache (const std::string &filename, osg::Object *object, double timestamp=0.0)
 Add a filename,object,timestamp tripple to the Registry::ObjectCache.

osg::ObjectgetFromObjectCache (const std::string &fileName)
 Get an object from the object cache.

void addToArchiveCache (const std::string &fileName, osgDB::Archive *archive)
 Add archive to archive cache so that future calls reference this archive.

void removeFromArchiveCache (const std::string &fileName)
 Remove archive from cache.

osgDB::ArchivegetFromArchiveCache (const std::string &fileName)
 Get an archive from the archive cache.

void clearArchiveCache ()
 Remove all archives from the archive cache.

void releaseGLObjects (osg::State *state=0)
 If State is non-zero, this function releases OpenGL objects for the specified graphics context.

DynamicLibrarygetLibrary (const std::string &fileName)
 get the attached library with specified name.

void setDatabasePager (DatabasePager *databasePager)
 Set the DatabasePager.

DatabasePagergetOrCreateDatabasePager ()
 Get the DatabasePager, creating one if one is not already created.

DatabasePagergetDatabasePager ()
 Get the DatabasePager.

void setSharedStateManager (SharedStateManager *SharedStateManager)
 Set the SharedStateManager.

SharedStateManagergetOrCreateSharedStateManager ()
 Get the SharedStateManager, creating one if one is not already created.

SharedStateManagergetSharedStateManager ()
 Get the SharedStateManager.

Static Public Member Functions

Registryinstance (bool erase=false)

Protected Types

typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<
ReaderWriter > > 
typedef std::map< std::string,
osg::ref_ptr< DotOsgWrapper > > 
typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<
DynamicLibrary > > 
typedef std::map< std::string,
std::string > 
typedef std::pair< osg::ref_ptr<
osg::Object >, double > 
typedef std::map< std::string,
typedef std::map< std::string,
osg::ref_ptr< osgDB::Archive > > 

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~Registry ()
 Registry ()
 constructor is private, as its a singleton, preventing construction other than via the instance() method and therefore ensuring only one copy is ever constructed

DynamicLibraryList::iterator getLibraryItr (const std::string &fileName)
 get the attached library with specified name.

osg::ObjectreadObject (DotOsgWrapperMap &dowMap, Input &fr)
void eraseWrapper (DotOsgWrapperMap &wrappermap, DotOsgWrapper *wrapper)
ReaderWriter::ReadResult read (const ReadFunctor &readFunctor)
ReaderWriter::ReadResult readImplementation (const ReadFunctor &readFunctor, bool useObjectCache)

Protected Attributes

bool _createNodeFromImage
osg::ref_ptr< ReadFileCallback_readFileCallback
osg::ref_ptr< WriteFileCallback_writeFileCallback
DotOsgWrapperMap _objectWrapperMap
DotOsgWrapperMap _imageWrapperMap
DotOsgWrapperMap _drawableWrapperMap
DotOsgWrapperMap _stateAttrWrapperMap
DotOsgWrapperMap _uniformWrapperMap
DotOsgWrapperMap _nodeWrapperMap
DotOsgWrapperMap _classNameWrapperMap
ReaderWriterList _rwList
DynamicLibraryList _dlList
bool _openingLibrary
ExtensionAliasMap _extAliasMap
osg::ref_ptr< ReaderWriter::Options_options
FilePathList _dataFilePath
FilePathList _libraryFilePath
ObjectCache _objectCache
OpenThreads::Mutex _objectCacheMutex
ArchiveCache _archiveCache
OpenThreads::Mutex _archiveCacheMutex
osg::ref_ptr< DatabasePager_databasePager
osg::ref_ptr< SharedStateManager_sharedStateManager

Detailed Description

Registry is a singleton factory which stores the reader/writers which are linked in at runtime for reading non-native file formats.

The RegisterDotOsgWrapperProxy can be used to automatically register DotOsgWrappers, at runtime with the Registry. A DotOsgWrapper encapsulates the functions that can read and write to the .osg for each osg::Object.

The RegisterReaderWriterProxy can be used to automatically register at runtime a reader/writer with the Registry.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<std::string, osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::Archive> > osgDB::Registry::ArchiveCache [protected]

typedef std::map< std::string, osg::ref_ptr<DotOsgWrapper> > osgDB::Registry::DotOsgWrapperMap [protected]

typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<DynamicLibrary> > osgDB::Registry::DynamicLibraryList [protected]

typedef std::map< std::string, std::string> osgDB::Registry::ExtensionAliasMap [protected]

typedef std::map<std::string, ObjectTimeStampPair > osgDB::Registry::ObjectCache [protected]

typedef std::pair<osg::ref_ptr<osg::Object>, double > osgDB::Registry::ObjectTimeStampPair [protected]

typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<ReaderWriter> > osgDB::Registry::ReaderWriterList [protected]

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual osgDB::Registry::~Registry  )  [protected, virtual]

osgDB::Registry::Registry  )  [protected]

constructor is private, as its a singleton, preventing construction other than via the instance() method and therefore ensuring only one copy is ever constructed

Member Function Documentation

void osgDB::Registry::addDotOsgWrapper DotOsgWrapper wrapper  ) 

void osgDB::Registry::addEntryToObjectCache const std::string &  filename,
osg::Object object,
double  timestamp = 0.0

Add a filename,object,timestamp tripple to the Registry::ObjectCache.

void osgDB::Registry::addFileExtensionAlias const std::string  mapExt,
const std::string  toExt

register an .fileextension alias to mapExt toExt, the later should the the extension name of the readerwriter plugin library.

For example to map .tif files to the tiff loader, use addExtAlias("tif","tiff") which will enable .tif to be read by the libdb_tiff readerwriter plugin.

void osgDB::Registry::addReaderWriter ReaderWriter rw  ) 

void osgDB::Registry::addToArchiveCache const std::string &  fileName,
osgDB::Archive archive

Add archive to archive cache so that future calls reference this archive.

void osgDB::Registry::clearArchiveCache  ) 

Remove all archives from the archive cache.

void osgDB::Registry::clearObjectCache  ) 

Remove all objects in the cache regardless of having external references or expiry times.

void osgDB::Registry::closeAllLibraries  ) 

close all libraries.

bool osgDB::Registry::closeLibrary const std::string &  fileName  ) 

close the attached library with specified name.

std::string osgDB::Registry::createLibraryNameForExtension const std::string &  ext  ) 

create the platform specific library name associated with file extension.

std::string osgDB::Registry::createLibraryNameForFile const std::string &  fileName  ) 

create the platform specific library name associated with file.

std::string osgDB::Registry::createLibraryNameForNodeKit const std::string &  name  ) 

create the platform specific library name associated with nodekit library name.

void osgDB::Registry::eraseWrapper DotOsgWrapperMap wrappermap,
DotOsgWrapper wrapper

bool osgDB::Registry::getCreateNodeFromImage  )  const [inline]

DatabasePager* osgDB::Registry::getDatabasePager  )  [inline]

Get the DatabasePager.

Return 0 if no DatabasePager has been assigned.

const FilePathList& osgDB::Registry::getDataFilePathList  )  const [inline]

get the const data file path which is used when search for data files.

FilePathList& osgDB::Registry::getDataFilePathList  )  [inline]

get the data file path which is used when search for data files.

osgDB::Archive* osgDB::Registry::getFromArchiveCache const std::string &  fileName  ) 

Get an archive from the archive cache.

osg::Object* osgDB::Registry::getFromObjectCache const std::string &  fileName  ) 

Get an object from the object cache.

DynamicLibrary* osgDB::Registry::getLibrary const std::string &  fileName  ) 

get the attached library with specified name.

const FilePathList& osgDB::Registry::getLibraryFilePathList  )  const [inline]

get the const library file path which is used when search for library (dso/dll's) files.

FilePathList& osgDB::Registry::getLibraryFilePathList  )  [inline]

get the library file path which is used when search for library (dso/dll's) files.

DynamicLibraryList::iterator osgDB::Registry::getLibraryItr const std::string &  fileName  )  [protected]

get the attached library with specified name.

const ReaderWriter::Options* osgDB::Registry::getOptions  )  const [inline]

ReaderWriter::Options* osgDB::Registry::getOptions  )  [inline]

DatabasePager* osgDB::Registry::getOrCreateDatabasePager  ) 

Get the DatabasePager, creating one if one is not already created.

SharedStateManager* osgDB::Registry::getOrCreateSharedStateManager  ) 

Get the SharedStateManager, creating one if one is not already created.

ReaderWriter* osgDB::Registry::getReaderWriterForExtension const std::string &  ext  ) 

get a reader writer which handles specified extension.

const ReadFileCallback* osgDB::Registry::getReadFileCallback  )  const [inline]

Get the const readFile callback.

ReadFileCallback* osgDB::Registry::getReadFileCallback  )  [inline]

Get the readFile callback.

SharedStateManager* osgDB::Registry::getSharedStateManager  )  [inline]

Get the SharedStateManager.

Return 0 if no SharedStateManager has been assigned.

const WriteFileCallback* osgDB::Registry::getWriteFileCallback  )  const [inline]

Get the const writeFile callback.

WriteFileCallback* osgDB::Registry::getWriteFileCallback  )  [inline]

Get the writeFile callback.

void osgDB::Registry::initDataFilePathList  ) 

initilize the Data FilePath by reading the OSG_FILE_PATH environmental variable.

void osgDB::Registry::initFilePathLists  )  [inline]

initilize both the Data and Library FilePaths, by default called by the constructor, so it should only be required if you want to force the re-reading of environmental variables.

void osgDB::Registry::initLibraryFilePathList  ) 

initilize the Library FilePath by reading the OSG_LIBRARY_PATH and the appropriate system environmental variables

Registry* osgDB::Registry::instance bool  erase = false  )  [static]

bool osgDB::Registry::loadLibrary const std::string &  fileName  ) 

find the library in the SG_LIBRARY_PATH and load it.

ReaderWriter::ReadResult osgDB::Registry::openArchive const std::string &  fileName,
ReaderWriter::ArchiveStatus  status,
unsigned int  indexBlockSizeHint,
const ReaderWriter::Options options

ReaderWriter::ReadResult osgDB::Registry::openArchiveImplementation const std::string &  fileName,
ReaderWriter::ArchiveStatus  status,
unsigned int  indexBlockSizeHint,
const ReaderWriter::Options options

ReaderWriter::ReadResult osgDB::Registry::read const ReadFunctor readFunctor  )  [protected]

void osgDB::Registry::readCommandLine osg::ArgumentParser commandLine  ) 

read the command line arguments.

osg::Drawable* osgDB::Registry::readDrawable Input fr  ) 

ReaderWriter::ReadResult osgDB::Registry::readHeightField const std::string &  fileName,
const ReaderWriter::Options options

ReaderWriter::ReadResult osgDB::Registry::readHeightFieldImplementation const std::string &  fileName,
const ReaderWriter::Options options

ReaderWriter::ReadResult osgDB::Registry::readImage const std::string &  fileName,
const ReaderWriter::Options options

osg::Image* osgDB::Registry::readImage Input fr  ) 

ReaderWriter::ReadResult osgDB::Registry::readImageImplementation const std::string &  fileName,
const ReaderWriter::Options options

ReaderWriter::ReadResult osgDB::Registry::readImplementation const ReadFunctor readFunctor,
bool  useObjectCache

ReaderWriter::ReadResult osgDB::Registry::readNode const std::string &  fileName,
const ReaderWriter::Options options

osg::Node* osgDB::Registry::readNode Input fr  ) 

ReaderWriter::ReadResult osgDB::Registry::readNodeImplementation const std::string &  fileName,
const ReaderWriter::Options options

osg::Object* osgDB::Registry::readObject DotOsgWrapperMap dowMap,
Input fr

ReaderWriter::ReadResult osgDB::Registry::readObject const std::string &  fileName,
const ReaderWriter::Options options

osg::Object* osgDB::Registry::readObject Input fr  ) 

ReaderWriter::ReadResult osgDB::Registry::readObjectImplementation const std::string &  fileName,
const ReaderWriter::Options options

osg::Object* osgDB::Registry::readObjectOfType const basic_type_wrapper btw,
Input fr

osg::Object* osgDB::Registry::readObjectOfType const osg::Object compObj,
Input fr

osg::StateAttribute* osgDB::Registry::readStateAttribute Input fr  ) 

osg::Uniform* osgDB::Registry::readUniform Input fr  ) 

void osgDB::Registry::releaseGLObjects osg::State state = 0  ) 

If State is non-zero, this function releases OpenGL objects for the specified graphics context.

Otherwise, releases OpenGL objexts for all graphics contexts.

void osgDB::Registry::removeDotOsgWrapper DotOsgWrapper wrapper  ) 

void osgDB::Registry::removeExpiredObjectsInCache double  expiryTime  ) 

Removed object in the cache which have a time stamp at or before the specified expiry time.

This would typically be called once per frame by applications which are doing database paging, and need to prune objects that are no longer required, and called after the a called after the call to updateTimeStampOfObjectsInCacheWithExtenalReferences(currentTime). Note, the currentTime is not the expiryTime, one would typically set the expiry time to a fixed amount of time before currentTime, such as expiryTime = currentTime-10.0. Time value is time in sceonds.

void osgDB::Registry::removeFromArchiveCache const std::string &  fileName  ) 

Remove archive from cache.

void osgDB::Registry::removeReaderWriter ReaderWriter rw  ) 

void osgDB::Registry::setCreateNodeFromImage bool  flag  )  [inline]

void osgDB::Registry::setDatabasePager DatabasePager databasePager  )  [inline]

Set the DatabasePager.

void osgDB::Registry::setDataFilePathList const std::string &  paths  ) 

Set the data file path using a single string deliminated either with ';' (Windows) or ':' (All other platforms), which is used when search for data files.

void osgDB::Registry::setDataFilePathList const FilePathList filepath  )  [inline]

Set the data file path using a list of paths stored in a FilePath, which is used when search for data files.

void osgDB::Registry::setLibraryFilePathList const std::string &  paths  ) 

Set the library file path using a single string deliminated either with ';' (Windows) or ':' (All other platforms), which is used when search for data files.

void osgDB::Registry::setLibraryFilePathList const FilePathList filepath  )  [inline]

Set the library file path using a list of paths stored in a FilePath, which is used when search for data files.

void osgDB::Registry::setOptions ReaderWriter::Options opt  )  [inline]

void osgDB::Registry::setReadFileCallback ReadFileCallback cb  )  [inline]

Set the Registry callback to use in place of the default readFile calls.

void osgDB::Registry::setSharedStateManager SharedStateManager SharedStateManager  )  [inline]

Set the SharedStateManager.

void osgDB::Registry::setWriteFileCallback WriteFileCallback cb  )  [inline]

Set the Registry callback to use in place of the default writeFile calls.

void osgDB::Registry::updateTimeStampOfObjectsInCacheWithExtenalReferences double  currentTime  ) 

For each object in the cache which has an reference count greater than 1 (and therefore referenced by elsewhere in the application) set the time stamp for that object in the cache to specified time.

This would typically be called once per frame by applications which are doing database paging, and need to prune objects that are no longer required. Time value is time in sceonds.

ReaderWriter::WriteResult osgDB::Registry::writeHeightField const osg::HeightField obj,
const std::string &  fileName

ReaderWriter::WriteResult osgDB::Registry::writeHeightFieldImplementation const osg::HeightField obj,
const std::string &  fileName

ReaderWriter::WriteResult osgDB::Registry::writeImage const osg::Image obj,
const std::string &  fileName

ReaderWriter::WriteResult osgDB::Registry::writeImageImplementation const osg::Image obj,
const std::string &  fileName

ReaderWriter::WriteResult osgDB::Registry::writeNode const osg::Node node,
const std::string &  fileName

ReaderWriter::WriteResult osgDB::Registry::writeNodeImplementation const osg::Node node,
const std::string &  fileName

ReaderWriter::WriteResult osgDB::Registry::writeObject const osg::Object obj,
const std::string &  fileName

bool osgDB::Registry::writeObject const osg::Object obj,
Output fw

ReaderWriter::WriteResult osgDB::Registry::writeObjectImplementation const osg::Object obj,
const std::string &  fileName

Member Data Documentation

ArchiveCache osgDB::Registry::_archiveCache [protected]

OpenThreads::Mutex osgDB::Registry::_archiveCacheMutex [protected]

DotOsgWrapperMap osgDB::Registry::_classNameWrapperMap [protected]

bool osgDB::Registry::_createNodeFromImage [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<DatabasePager> osgDB::Registry::_databasePager [protected]

FilePathList osgDB::Registry::_dataFilePath [protected]

DynamicLibraryList osgDB::Registry::_dlList [protected]

DotOsgWrapperMap osgDB::Registry::_drawableWrapperMap [protected]

ExtensionAliasMap osgDB::Registry::_extAliasMap [protected]

DotOsgWrapperMap osgDB::Registry::_imageWrapperMap [protected]

FilePathList osgDB::Registry::_libraryFilePath [protected]

DotOsgWrapperMap osgDB::Registry::_nodeWrapperMap [protected]

ObjectCache osgDB::Registry::_objectCache [protected]

OpenThreads::Mutex osgDB::Registry::_objectCacheMutex [protected]

DotOsgWrapperMap osgDB::Registry::_objectWrapperMap [protected]

bool osgDB::Registry::_openingLibrary [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<ReaderWriter::Options> osgDB::Registry::_options [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<ReadFileCallback> osgDB::Registry::_readFileCallback [protected]

ReaderWriterList osgDB::Registry::_rwList [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<SharedStateManager> osgDB::Registry::_sharedStateManager [protected]

DotOsgWrapperMap osgDB::Registry::_stateAttrWrapperMap [protected]

DotOsgWrapperMap osgDB::Registry::_uniformWrapperMap [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<WriteFileCallback> osgDB::Registry::_writeFileCallback [protected]

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