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osgTerrain Namespace Reference

The osgTerrain is a utility library that provides geospecifc terrain database generation support. More...


class  DataSet
struct  DataSet::SpatialProperties
struct  DataSet::DestinationData
struct  DataSet::SourceData
class  DataSet::Source
struct  DataSet::Source::ResolutionPair
class  DataSet::CompositeSource
class  DataSet::CompositeSource::iterator
struct  DataSet::CompositeSource::iterator::IteratorPosition
class  DataSet::CompositeSource::base_source_iterator
struct  DataSet::CompositeSource::DefaultSourceAdvancer
struct  DataSet::CompositeSource::LODSourceAdvancer
class  DataSet::DestinationTile
struct  DataSet::DestinationTile::ImageData
class  DataSet::CompositeDestination
class  HeightFieldNode
 Terrain provides a framework for loosly coupling height field data with height rendering algorithms. More...

class  HeightFieldRenderer

Detailed Description

The osgTerrain is a utility library that provides geospecifc terrain database generation support.

The osgTerrain library is typically invoked by the osgdem utlitly application that users can use to build paged terrain databases from geospecific imagery and digial elevation maps (DEM's). osgTerrain may also be used directly in your own applications to generate databases. Note, osgTerrain is not presently written for run-time rendering of terrain, and is just focused on database generation, these generated databases then can used used in standard OpenSceneGraph application which do not need to link osgTerrain..

Generated at Thu Nov 24 16:25:27 2005 for the OpenSceneGraph by doxygen 1.3.6.