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osgUtx Namespace Reference

The osgUtx is a unit test framework. More...


class  Test
 Test, an abstract base class, is the Composite pattern's component class for our graph of test cases, and defines the basic interface for all Test components. More...

class  TestContext
 TestContext wraps up information which is passed to tests as they are run, and may contain test-specific information or 'global' test objects, such as an output stream for verbose output during the running of tests. More...

class  TestVisitor
 Visits while maintaining the current hierarchical context. More...

class  TestCase
 TestCase, supplies the interface for a Composite pattern's leaf class, though it is not a leaf in itself. More...

class  TestX
 Base class catchable for the exceptions which may be thrown to indicate problems during the run of a TestCase. More...

class  TestFailureX
 A TestFailureX indicates a failure in the tested component. More...

class  TestErrorX
 A TestErrorX indicates an error while testing a component, which prevents the test from being run. More...

class  TestCase_
 TestCase_ is a class template for a leaf TestCase, which allows TestFixture classes to be easily collected into the tree of tests, and have their public test methods called. More...

class  TestSuite
 A TestSuite is the composite component of the Composite pattern, and allows aggregation of Tests into hierarchies. More...

class  TestGraph
 TestGraph is a singleton providing central access to the tree of tests; primarily, it provides access to the root suite. More...

class  TestQualifier
 Maintains a string that when accessed in the "visit" member, returns the current qualified TestSuite path. More...

class  QualifiedTestPrinter
 QualifiedTestPrinter prints to standard output a list of fully qualified tests. More...

class  TestRecord
 A TestRecord records the output of a given test case, i.e. More...

class  TestReport
 A TestReport represents the complete set of results (TestRecords) for a given test run. More...

class  TestRunner
 A TestRunner is a visitor which will run specified tests as it traverses the test graph. More...

struct  TestSuiteAutoRegistrationAgent
 A helper struct to perform automatic registration at program startup; not for direct use, it should be used via the following macros. More...

Detailed Description

The osgUtx is a unit test framework.
Generated at Thu Nov 24 16:25:51 2005 for the OpenSceneGraph by doxygen 1.3.6.