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Miscellaneous Macros

The macro YY_USER_ACTION can be redefined to provide an action which is always executed prior to the matched rule's action. For example, it could be #defined to call a routine to convert yytext to lower-case.

The macro YY_USER_INIT may be redefined to provide an action which is always executed before the first scan (and before the scanner's internal initializations are done). For example, it could be used to call a routine to read in a data table or open a logging file.

In the generated scanner, the actions are all gathered in one large switch statement and separated using YY_BREAK, which may be redefined. By default, it is simply a break, to separate each rule's action from the following rule's. Redefining YY_BREAK allows, for example, C++ users to `#define YY_BREAK' to do nothing (while being very careful that every rule ends with a break or a return!) to avoid suffering from unreachable statement warnings where because a rule's action ends with return, the YY_BREAK is inaccessible.

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