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osg::Uniform Member List

This is the complete list of members for osg::Uniform, including all inherited members.
_dataosg::Uniform [protected]
_dataVarianceosg::Object [protected]
_eventCallbackosg::Uniform [protected]
_modifiedCountosg::Uniform [protected]
_nameosg::Object [protected]
_parentsosg::Uniform [protected]
_refCountosg::Referenced [mutable, protected]
_refMutexosg::Referenced [mutable, protected]
_typeosg::Uniform [protected]
_updateCallbackosg::Uniform [protected]
_userDataosg::Object [protected]
addParent(osg::StateSet *object)osg::Uniform [protected]
apply(const GL2Extensions *ext, GLint location) const osg::Uniform
BOOL enum valueosg::Uniform
BOOL_VEC2 enum valueosg::Uniform
BOOL_VEC3 enum valueosg::Uniform
BOOL_VEC4 enum valueosg::Uniform
className() const=0osg::Object [pure virtual]
clone(const CopyOp &) const=0osg::Object [pure virtual]
cloneType() const=0osg::Object [pure virtual]
compare(const Uniform &rhs) const osg::Uniform [virtual]
compareData(const Uniform &rhs) const osg::Uniform [virtual]
copyData(const Uniform &rhs)osg::Uniform
DataVariance enum nameosg::Object
dirty()osg::Uniform [inline]
DYNAMIC enum valueosg::Object
f1osg::Uniform [protected]
f16osg::Uniform [protected]
f2osg::Uniform [protected]
f3osg::Uniform [protected]
f4osg::Uniform [protected]
f9osg::Uniform [protected]
FLOAT enum valueosg::Uniform
FLOAT_MAT2 enum valueosg::Uniform
FLOAT_MAT3 enum valueosg::Uniform
FLOAT_MAT4 enum valueosg::Uniform
FLOAT_VEC2 enum valueosg::Uniform
FLOAT_VEC3 enum valueosg::Uniform
FLOAT_VEC4 enum valueosg::Uniform
get(float &f) const osg::Uniform
get(int &i) const osg::Uniform
get(bool &b) const osg::Uniform
get(osg::Vec2 &v2) const osg::Uniform
get(osg::Vec3 &v3) const osg::Uniform
get(osg::Vec4 &v4) const osg::Uniform
get(osg::Matrix2 &m2) const osg::Uniform
get(osg::Matrix3 &m3) const osg::Uniform
get(osg::Matrixf &m4) const osg::Uniform
get(osg::Matrixd &m4) const osg::Uniform
get(int &i0, int &i1) const osg::Uniform
get(int &i0, int &i1, int &i2) const osg::Uniform
get(int &i0, int &i1, int &i2, int &i3) const osg::Uniform
get(bool &b0, bool &b1) const osg::Uniform
get(bool &b0, bool &b1, bool &b2) const osg::Uniform
get(bool &b0, bool &b1, bool &b2, bool &b3) const osg::Uniform
getDataVariance() const osg::Object [inline]
getDeleteHandler()osg::Referenced [static]
getEventCallback()osg::Uniform [inline]
getEventCallback() const osg::Uniform [inline]
getGlApiType(Type t)osg::Uniform [static]
getModifiedCount() const osg::Uniform [inline]
getName() const osg::Object [inline]
getNumParents() const osg::Uniform [inline]
getParent(unsigned int i)osg::Uniform [inline]
getParent(unsigned int i) const osg::Uniform [inline]
getParents() const osg::Uniform [inline]
getParents()osg::Uniform [inline]
getThreadSafeReferenceCounting()osg::Referenced [static]
getThreadSafeRefUnref() const osg::Referenced [inline]
getType() const osg::Uniform [inline]
getTypeId(const std::string &tname)osg::Uniform [static]
getTypename(Type t)osg::Uniform [static]
getUpdateCallback()osg::Uniform [inline]
getUpdateCallback() const osg::Uniform [inline]
getUserData()osg::Object [inline]
getUserData() const osg::Object [inline]
i1osg::Uniform [protected]
i2osg::Uniform [protected]
i3osg::Uniform [protected]
i4osg::Uniform [protected]
INT enum valueosg::Uniform
INT_VEC2 enum valueosg::Uniform
INT_VEC3 enum valueosg::Uniform
INT_VEC4 enum valueosg::Uniform
isCompatibleType(Type t) const osg::Uniform [protected]
isSameKindAs(const Object *) const osg::Object [inline, virtual]
libraryName() const=0osg::Object [pure virtual]
META_Object(osg, Uniform)osg::Uniform
Object()osg::Object [inline]
Object(const Object &, const CopyOp &copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)osg::Object
operator!=(const Uniform &rhs) const osg::Uniform [inline]
operator<(const Uniform &rhs) const osg::Uniform [inline]
operator=(const Uniform &)osg::Uniform [inline, protected]
osg::Referenced::operator=(const Referenced &)osg::Referenced [inline]
operator==(const Uniform &rhs) const osg::Uniform [inline]
ParentList typedefosg::Uniform
ref() const osg::Referenced [inline]
referenceCount() const osg::Referenced [inline]
Referenced(const Referenced &)osg::Referenced
releaseGLObjects(osg::State *=0) const osg::Object [inline, virtual]
removeParent(osg::StateSet *object)osg::Uniform [protected]
SAMPLER_1D enum valueosg::Uniform
SAMPLER_1D_SHADOW enum valueosg::Uniform
SAMPLER_2D enum valueosg::Uniform
SAMPLER_2D_SHADOW enum valueosg::Uniform
SAMPLER_3D enum valueosg::Uniform
SAMPLER_CUBE enum valueosg::Uniform
set(float f)osg::Uniform
set(int i)osg::Uniform
set(bool b)osg::Uniform
set(const osg::Vec2 &v2)osg::Uniform
set(const osg::Vec3 &v3)osg::Uniform
set(const osg::Vec4 &v4)osg::Uniform
set(const osg::Matrix2 &m2)osg::Uniform
set(const osg::Matrix3 &m3)osg::Uniform
set(const osg::Matrixf &m4)osg::Uniform
set(const osg::Matrixd &m4)osg::Uniform
set(int i0, int i1)osg::Uniform
set(int i0, int i1, int i2)osg::Uniform
set(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3)osg::Uniform
set(bool b0, bool b1)osg::Uniform
set(bool b0, bool b1, bool b2)osg::Uniform
set(bool b0, bool b1, bool b2, bool b3)osg::Uniform
setDataVariance(DataVariance dv)osg::Object [inline]
setDeleteHandler(DeleteHandler *handler)osg::Referenced [static]
setEventCallback(Callback *ec)osg::Uniform
setModifiedCount(unsigned int mc)osg::Uniform [inline]
setName(const std::string &name)osg::Uniform
osg::Object::setName(const char *name)osg::Object [inline]
setThreadSafeReferenceCounting(bool enableThreadSafeReferenceCounting)osg::Referenced [static]
setThreadSafeRefUnref(bool threadSafe)osg::Referenced
setType(Type t)osg::Uniform
setUpdateCallback(Callback *uc)osg::Uniform
setUserData(Referenced *obj)osg::Object [inline]
STATIC enum valueosg::Object
Type enum nameosg::Uniform
UNDEFINED enum valueosg::Uniform
Uniform(Type type, const std::string &name)osg::Uniform
Uniform(const Uniform &rhs, const CopyOp &copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)osg::Uniform
Uniform(const char *name, float f)osg::Uniform [explicit]
Uniform(const char *name, int i)osg::Uniform [explicit]
Uniform(const char *name, bool b)osg::Uniform [explicit]
Uniform(const char *name, const osg::Vec2 &v2)osg::Uniform
Uniform(const char *name, const osg::Vec3 &v3)osg::Uniform
Uniform(const char *name, const osg::Vec4 &v4)osg::Uniform
Uniform(const char *name, const osg::Matrix2 &m2)osg::Uniform
Uniform(const char *name, const osg::Matrix3 &m3)osg::Uniform
Uniform(const char *name, const osg::Matrixf &m4)osg::Uniform
Uniform(const char *name, const osg::Matrixd &m4)osg::Uniform
Uniform(const char *name, int i0, int i1)osg::Uniform
Uniform(const char *name, int i0, int i1, int i2)osg::Uniform
Uniform(const char *name, int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3)osg::Uniform
Uniform(const char *name, bool b0, bool b1)osg::Uniform
Uniform(const char *name, bool b0, bool b1, bool b2)osg::Uniform
Uniform(const char *name, bool b0, bool b1, bool b2, bool b3)osg::Uniform
unref() const osg::Referenced [inline]
unref_nodelete() const osg::Referenced
~Object()osg::Object [inline, protected, virtual]
~Referenced()osg::Referenced [protected, virtual]
~Uniform()osg::Uniform [protected, virtual]

Generated at Thu Nov 24 16:24:00 2005 for the OpenSceneGraph by doxygen 1.3.6.